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"Pooser, you better stay down." Kilowog yelled, creating a giant green fist which connected with Remy's jaw, throwing her a few good feet away with a groan. She had been brawling it out with Kilowog for a good hour or two, but he had the advantage of creating constructs and having actual experience with flying and ring-slinging.

Remy propped herself up, blood pouring from her nose as she put her hands up - not surrendering even though everything in her body pushed against this. Every limb was numb, burning with pain, or pounding.

Kilowog smirked (well, as much as he could smirk), stalking towards Remy without his gaze leaving her eyes.

Remy knew the other greenies were watching her defy Kilowog's direct order, knowing she was about to get the consequences for it in a few short moments.

"You think you have guts, huh? You think you're strong?" Kilowog stood centimeters from her face as he spoke. Remy's breath came out uneven as she threw a right hook towards the alien but Kilowog grabbed her arm, twisting it as he pushed downwards - making her kneel.

"You are nothing." Kilowog spat as he threw Remy to the ground. Remy held in all the curse words that she wanted to throw at Kilowog, knowing the ring would translate it immediately and that would earn her another whooping.

Once Kilowog made sure Remy didn't get back up, he took a few steps backward, turning to the group of rookies who were watching the fight.

"Let her be the example - you follow my orders, without hesitation, without even thinking about it. You are soldiers." Kilowog lectured, turning back to Remy, but found her standing back up with the help of her ring.

Kilowog gave a chuckle, popping his neck as he faced the human lantern. "I hate humans..."

Remy floated down towards Kilowog, her arms up as she somehow gained the will and strength to fight this beast in front of her - knowing she would fail.

She threw another punch, this time to the gut and another one to the face but Kilowog wasn't having it. He grabbed her arm, sending his arm straight down hers until he heard a snap.

Remy yelled in pain as he dropped her fist and let her fall to her knees, her left arm completely disfigured. She whimpered as she lost feeling in her arm completely.

Remy sent a glare towards Kilowog, wanting to say something, anything, but something stopped her.

"Green Lantern of Sector 2814.1 required your presence immediately." The ring spoke as she flew upwards, her left arm dangling by her side, her right hand holding it as best as she could.

She clenched her jaw tightly, mentally cussing out Kilowog, Green Lantern of Sector 2814.1, and the Green Lanterns in general but she wouldn't dare say that out loud.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kilowog asked once he saw Remy start to fly away. Her jaw ticked as she gestured behind her with her good arm.

"I've been summoned by 2814.1, sir." Remy added in the sir sarcastically as Kilowog took note of this as he fully turned to face Remy, a smug look on his face.

"Well, Green Lantern of Sector 2814.1 can take it up with me, right now, you are in training. With me." Kilowog pointed to the group, telling her to get back in line with the rest of the greenies.

She flew back down, her chest rising and falling rapidly. The human closed her eyes, inhaling through gritted teeth as one of the greenies was watching her.

"Hey," She had purple skin, and her uniform looked like everybody else's (except Kyle's and a select few). "Are you okay?"

Remy nodded dismissively, closing her eyes tightly as slightly moved her left arm, causing pain to shoot up her arm.

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