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The red haired devil grinned toothly, his fists in the air as he gestured for Remy to attack. The rookie coughed up blood, but her head was still held high. Despite last weeks' problems, she has been dealing with it by training as hard as she could possibly train and that means: training with Guy Gardner.

Remy had to keep reminding herself that she choose him to spar with and Guy doesn't go down without a fight. And she didn't believe 2814.1 when he told her that he didn't fight to win, he fought to kill.

The blood pouring from her nose made her wipe her nose, causing a split second delay in her reaction time, making her catch a straight punch to the gut. The punch took the breath out of her, all the air in her lungs wheezed out as she fell to the ground. Guy didn't even have his ring and he was kicking her ass. He said, quote unquote, 'if I got a ring, there wouldn't be no fight.'

She didn't believe that he could ringsling like 2814.1, he was the best by all standards but she wasn't going to tell him that. She liked living and she intended in staying that way.

Clenching her jaw, Remy put her fist onto the ground as she pushed herself back up. Her mind was scattered, there was no way she could create an adequate construct and use it against him to turn the tide of the battle in time, anyway.

Standing once again, she was gonna have to brawl it out with Guy. And, another mistake. Remy had been dearly mistaken. She has been told that Guy Gardner couldn't hold his own without his ring, let alone fight without it. She was wrong, oh so wrong.

"Jesus, dude, do you ever hold back?" Remy wheezed out. The dark haired woman raised her bloodied fist once again, trying the old fashioned way of fighting.

She swung a few times, actually hitting her target twice and she finally decided that she wasn't going to defeat him unless she uses her ring. Huffing, Remy flew upwards, and gained height advantage. She pulled back her arm and aimed her ring at Guy as she created a barrage of arrows and rained it down on the man.

Despite her will probably being weak, it was still serve as a distraction as she went in for the final blow. She knew Guy wouldn't be taken down as easily as that. That man was a human version of a bull.

One thing confused her, though. Why the hell was he smiling when arrows were about to rain down on him? Remy raised a brow as she watched the arrows drop on the man, only to be stopped in mid air.

"What?" Remy asked, her eyes glued to the frozen arrows, centimeters away from Guy's face as he crossed his arms.

The chuckle that came from him was almost enough for her to fly back down and punch him straight in the nuts, but he would have seen it coming and it would have backfired.

Guy didn't even respond, he only gestured to her ring.

Taking a look, the ring was blinking. She clenched her jaw as she looked at the green light.

"Illegal action: lethal force unauthorized."

Remy flew back down to the ground, her eyes burning into Guy's as she threw off her ring as well. He watched her actions carefully as he put his fists back up and he got into a battle stance.

The ring wasn't finished, though. "Green Lantern of Sector 2814.1 requires your presence."

"Tell Sector 2814.1 to kiss my ass." Remy wasn't thinking straight until the ring responded with a "message sent."

Huffing, Remy put her fists up as she returned back to her normal clothes. It was a Ferris Air jacket with her last name stitched on the back as a pair of jeans.

Guy smirked as he started inching towards her, banter starting to come back up again.

"Valentine? That is a hot last name." Guy, living up to his name, winked at Remy as she rolled her eyes.

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