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"GOIN' home early, Ms. Valentine?" The guard at the front of the building asked as Remy exited through the glass doors.

Remy nodded, a polite smile on her face. "Yeah, only so much you can do here. Be a dear, can you help me with this box?"

The man grabbed the file box from Remy's hands as she grabbed the car keys from her purse. The two made small talk, talking about the company to the weather until they had made it to the red mustang.

"How's the wife, Phil?" Remy asked as she wrapped the jacket closer to her body. The cold air of winter in Coast City lived up it's reputation.

Phil chuckled, his voice rough and gravely. "She's great. She's been askin' for you, it's been a minute since you came over for dinner, Remy."

The engineer smiled politely as she opened her purse at her side. "I've been busy, busier than I've been in awhile. It's not fun, I'll tell you that."

"Well, Head of Engineering at Ferris Air does sound like a lot of work." Phil added.

Coming up on the bright red mustang, Remy opened the trunk and told him to just put it anywhere as she threw her purse in the passenger seat.

"Thank you again!" Remy thanked. "And, uh, tell Marie that she is can expect me soon, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Phil waved at Remy as she entered her car with a smile on her face.

Turning the car on, Remy took her time driving back home, not in a rush to get back to working. It's been a hectic few weeks, the work was piling up and she didn't have time to herself anymore.

Pulling up to a red light, Remy's phone started to ring from beside her. Raising a brow, Remy answered and put it on speaker.

"What's up, Chloe?"

"Yo!-" The sounds behind her contained of over excessive yelling and cheering as Remy winced from the noise. From a distant voice, Remy could hear Chloe yell 'can y'all shut it?' Effectively silencing most of the crowd behind her.

"Where ya at? The gangs at David's mansion - yeah, mansion, what else would you call it, Jordan?" Chloe started speaking to other people - also known as Hal Jordan.

Remy chuckled, taking a right on the light. "I got work, I can't come."

"If I find out that Will is at your apartment-"

"Oooh, Remy gettin' it ON!" Remy heard David yell in the back, effectively earning a bunch of laughs, including Chloe.

"More than you can say, Davy."

"Oh, damn." Hal said as a few others 'ooh'ed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Chloe."

Chloe started talking to the other at David's house - which seemed like a few people, including Hal and Chloe, and Remy just decided to hand up the phone because their conversation started turning back into her and Will and she did not want to listen to this.

As she pulled up to her parking spot, she popped open the trunk and grabbed the black hole of files. She groaned as she closed the trunk, with much struggle.

Making her way out of the garage, she opened the door towards the elevators and pushed the up button but as she did so, one of the files fell from the top.

"I could've been anything, I could've went anywhere, but nooo, I choose engineering, I choose Ferris Air." Remy complained as she put the box on the ground and picked up the fallen file.

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