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"I'M sorry, what?" Remy looked at the ring as it slipped itself onto her ring finger

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"I'M sorry, what?" Remy looked at the ring as it slipped itself onto her ring finger. Raising a brow, Remy examined the ring with great interest. She stood up straighter, making the shock blanket fall off her shoulders as Remy noticed something different.

She wasn't wearing her regular clothes anymore. She was wearing a green uniform with a weird symbol in the middle of her chest, the same one that the Green Lantern wore - nearly identical but hers had the symbol to the left and a white and black lines going through it.

"What in the actual hell..." Remy's voice trailed off as she examined herself. She was cut short by the voice of a little kid.

"Mom, look, it's Green Lantern!" He yelled, pointing in Remy's direction, grabbing the attention of everybody around him and around Remy. All the heads snapped in her direction and she could feel all of their gazes fall upon her.

Remy chuckled nervously as she gave a small wave to the little kid. The little boy's eyes widen, waving back vigorously with a huge grin on his face.

She opened her mouth to say something but, without even trying, she shot up into air - almost mimicking the action of the actual Green Lantern from minutes before.

"W-Woah!" Remy stuttered as she started to see the city beneath her shrink, and slowly she lost sight of the people walking the streets and eventually of the entire city in whole.

Swallowing, Remy could not believe her eyes. She was flying. Without a plane, or a jet, nothing - she was flying. She had to be breaking every natural law there is, but it wouldn't be a first - there's that guy in Central City that has definitely broke every law of physics and anything related to it.

Moments later, Remy found herself in deep space, staring at the Earth. At that exact moment, Remy nearly passed out as she passed the sun. She had to keep checking her limbs to see if they were still intact or if she was just going to die in space from unknown exploration.

"I'm alive, I'm alive." Remy chanted to herself to keep herself sane and to keep herself awake to remember as much of this.

She flew passed the sun without as much as breaking a sweat - which was concerning to somebody who studied environmental sciences and knew almost everything there is to know about the sun and it's effects and here she was, flying past it.

One by one, Remy flew past the planets - known and unknown. She had to sing the song - you know, My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Seven Pizzas, she literally counted them out.

"Drugs, it has to be drugs - the paramedics had to have gave me something." Remy tried to reason with herself, but something deep inside her knew this was real life and it wasn't drugs or anything else she could conjure up.

She exhaled, closing her eyes and counted to ten before opening her eyes back open but gasped. She was almost face to face with a huge green planet that had the same symbol in the middle of it like Remy had on her chest.

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