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I woke up by my alarm.

6:30 am

My whole body was aching. I don't know when I felt a sleep. But I know that it wasn't enough for my body to rest. I'm not going to go to school today or even work. I'll call in and say I'm sick and I can't come.

With my eyes half closed, my body aching like hell , I headed to the bathroom to wash my face and teeth. I returned to my room and changed my clothes to some casual one's. A pair of black jeans, a white hoodie , I tied up my hair in a ponytail , grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

Over there was a half a sleep Taemin rambling around the kitchen.

"Good morning ! Why are you up so early?" He turned around and saw me.
"Good morning, noona! I couldn't sleep anymore. All the hyungs have been up almost all night to protect the house and Lili. Only an hour ago they went to their's  rooms so they could get a little bit of sleep. And this because the rest of the team come here and they are guarding." He explained to me.  I nodded my head and massage the bride of my nose.
"Who is the rest of the team?" I asked.
"Other men that work for Key hyung. "

There are more? I thought it was only the 4 of them.

"How can you think that a man like Key will have  only 4 people to protect him?" He said. How did he knew what I was thinking? "If you are wondering how do I know what where you thinking,  you were thinking out loud. " And I made a 'O' face.
"So you're telling me that there is more?" I asked him. I made my way to the coffee machine to get it ready.
"Yes. The 4 of us live together but that doesn't mean that there aren't other people under his command.  Even the house cleaners , the gardeners , all are trained then accepted to work here. Let's not talk about the men that work for him. He has an empire,  Rose. We are just some bricks that help this empire stand. "

I didn't know what to say. All this is just too much to handle. But one thing that keeps coming to my mind was , who the hell was the other guy yesterday and what happened with him.

"Taemin can I ask you something?" And he nodded his head. "Who was that man yesterday? What did he want? What happened with him? Where is he now?" I bombarded him with my questions.  Everything that came to mind.
"Ohhh chill noona! I wish I could answer you. But unfortunately I'm not allowed to tell you this kind of information."
"But how am I supposes to get the answers of all this questions. I need an explanation for all this. Should I ask any of the other boys?" He just shaked his head.
"None of us is allowed to give you this information . Ask Key hyung.  He is the only one who can help you now." He said and shrugged his sholders.
"You got to be kidding with me now?! Me? Asking him? Are you out of your mind?"
"And why is he out of his mind?"

I turned around and saw that the devil himself was leaning on the door. I rolled my eyes and moved to the counter to pour myself some coffee. I was about to grab it but he snatched out of my hand. I looked at him without  any specific emotion written on my face. I grabbed two other cups and poured some coffee.  I got one for myself and the others one for Taemin.

"Drink it! It will help you with your tiredness. " He replied with a small thank you. "Do you want something to eat? I can make something real quick." But he shaked his head no. I turned at Key to see if he needed anything but he didn't respond me. I continue to look at him but he still didn't told me anything.

"What?" He said annoying.
"Do you want anything to eat?" I repeated myself.
"Was that too hard for you ?" I gave him an sarcastic smile. And he just rolled his eyes. I finished my coffee and got out of the kitchen. I got my phone and called Jackson.

What's up boo?

Hey love! Can you do me a favour?

Sure! What is it?

Married to mafia / Shinee Key ffWhere stories live. Discover now