Chapter 22

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Grace's POV

2 years later...

I looked at the stars. Life has been great. Me and Peter finished school, and Peter works at Stark Industries. I go to college, and I'm studying photography. But I'm also helping Tony with his inventions. Me and Peter have been together for more than 2 years, and I have loved every second of it. Everyone was so supportive of us, especially Bucky and Nat. We meet up with Ned and Mj every once in awhile. Mj has a boyfriend, has for a couple of months. I like him, he's nice. Ned recently met someone, but I've never met her. Bucky and Steve are still together, and it makes me feel good that I helped with that. The rest of the team is doing great. I still live at the tower, but me and Peter are looking for an apartment together, close to the tower and Aunt May's. May acts like a mother to me, and I can't thank her enough for her hospitality. The stars were out again tonight.

She watched Peter sit beside her, he looked at her.

"Is there something wrong? Or did you just want to come here?"

"I guess a bit of both."

"Okay, what's wrong."

I grabbed Peter's hands and looked into Peter's eyes. They made me feel safe.

"Peter, I'm pregnant."

He looked overjoyed until he saw my scared face.

"Is that a good thing?"

"It's just... Peter what if the baby gets infected with this thing inside me too? What if it gets hurt?"

"Hey, don't think like that!"

"But it's possible. We still don't even know what it is!"

"But it hasn't been bothering you as much has it?"


"If our baby does, we can help him or her. We'll go through it together."

"But Peter, we're 19! We're barely adults. People judge so much today..."

"When has that ever stopped us? I could give a damn about what other people say. I love you, and you are going to be a great Mom. We've got this."

I smiled.

"And you will be a great Dad. Can you promise you won't leave."

He looked at me and kissed my lips.

"I promise. I love you Grace."

"I love you to Peter."

4 years later...

I sat beside Peter, looking at our daughter playing at the park.

Bridget Maria Parker was born almost 4 years ago. Her birthday was in a few weeks.

Peter suggested the name Bridget, it means strength, and he said it reminded him of me.

Maria was my mothers' name.

About a year after she was born, Peter proposed to me.

We held the wedding at the park.

Nat was my Maid of Honor, and Ned was Peter's Best Man.

Mj, Aunt May, and Dawn were my bridesmaids.

Tony officiated the wedding. He was certified, and after a lot of convincing from him, we both agreed.

I had Bucky walk me down the aisle, and it was one of the best days of my life.

We spent the night at our spot, and the stars seemed brighter than ever.

I felt so much happier.

I never thought life would be kind to her, give me a happy ending. But I was with the man I loved, had a daughter, and even had her own house with him.

It took awhile to get used to being away from the team, but we managed.

Bridget had Peter's hair, but my eyes. She was very stubborn, but she loved to watch movies and go to the park. She acts a lot like Peter, and I know someday she would act a lot like me.

It worried me from the beginning that a part of the thing inside me would go to her, but so far, nothing has happened.

But me and Peter we're prepared. We have kept our promise to stay together, and we plan on keeping it forever.

I never thought this would happen to me. Going from an abused little girl, living off nothing. Having an evil being inside me, being depressed. So badly I tried to kill myself several times.

To being the happiest I have ever been. With Peter, and my beautiful daughter. With loving people surrounding me.

I wasn't the broken little girl I was.

No, today I am put back together.

And I couldn't have done it without the boy I love.

Broken has officially ended! 

I'll talk more on the next chapter.

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