Chapter 5

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Everyone's POV

When Grace jumped up, that topped it off. We all knew something was wrong. We followed her to make sure she was okay. Tony knocked on the door. 

No answer.

 "Grace, are you okay?," said Steve. 

That's when she screamed, "Get away!" 

It scared us, and that just wanted us to be able to get inside even more. 

We beat that door as hard as we could. Of course Tony got super hard doors for "protection". Finally, we broke it down. Grace was sitting on the ground. 

We had a lot of questions.

Grace's POV

When I lost control, I tried to get it back. I was in the dark room, watching what I was doing. Then, I remembered Peter, and how nice he was to me, even though I was a monster. I gained control for a couple seconds. It felt good, and then the moment passed.

 But I made sure it didn't 

I tried harder to escape, finally, the voice gave up

 I gained control 

I opened my eyes, the door was on its last life. It fell down, and they stormed in. 

Then Tony said, "What the hell happened?" 

I didn't know what to say. I sat there and said nothing. After awhile, they gave up. They sent people to talk to me, nothing worked. 

Until they sent Peter in.

Peter's POV

I begged Mr. Stark to send me in. He finally did. She was sitting on the bed. I sat down next to her. We sat there, quiet for a minute. 

I decided it was best to go personal. 

"When I was young, my parents died."

She looked up at me.

 "It was hard, I had to go live with my Aunt, the pain was overwhelming. That's why I became Spider-Man, to help people so that can never happen to another person. Most people don't understand that kind of pain, and I guess that's a good thing, but it makes me feel... different." 

I sat there and it surprised me when she started to talk. 

"I know how it feels." I looked at her.

 At that moment, it felt, different. Like I finally found someone who understands. The air felt different too. 

I wonder what it was

"Are you ready to talk about it?"

She took a breath and nodded. I got up and held my hand out. She took it and that's when I saw her smile for the first time. 

It felt amazing.

 I walked towards the door and she stopped and said, "I have to do something first." 

I nodded and left the room. Everyone was sitting on the couch. When they saw me they looked curious. 

"She's coming out to talk."

They look surprised that I got her to. I sat down and waited. 

I wonder what she was gonna tell us.

Grace's POV

Peter's words stuck with me. He knew what I was feeling. I decided to change into shorts and a tang top.

 It's time to show my scars

I looked at myself in the mirror 

 'They can't help you'

'They'll make fun of you and your scars'

'They're just using you, just wait till they throw you out'

I looked at my ugly self in the mirror.

It was right, I can't tell them yet

But they deserved to know. 

'No, not yet'

I brushed my hair again and decided that I wouldn't release all my secrets. I changed my clothes to a sweatshirt and leggings instead. 

I walked to the door and took a deep breath.

It was time to let my demons out.

Shorter chapter, just because the conversation is VERY long in the next chapter, so be prepared for a long one next. 

Thanks for reading!

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