Chapter 21

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One more chapter after this! :)

Grace's POV:

These few weeks Peter has been trying to apologize. But I can't take it. He'll tell me he likes someone else, and then stop being my friend. I'll watch him and another girl kiss and hug, and what if she doesn't like me? She'll make me stop being friends with him, and Peter will agree. Why would he choose me over her?

So I makeup excuses and ignore him.

He doesn't realize how bad he hurt me. The voice has been more active than ever, telling me how worthless I am and how I'll never find love.

I was sitting in the living room. Today she was in a good mood, Natasha was finally coming back from her super long mission. When I heard the elevator open, I jumped up and went straight to hug her. Natasha was like an Aunt to me. Plus I've been living with a bunch of guys for the past weeks.

"Hey Grace. Let me guess, living with these idiots isn't all that fun?"

"Hell yeah."

I let Nat go to her room, and went back to mine. About 20 minutes later, Nat came into my room.

"How have you been?"

I sighed, there's no way to lie to her.

"Not too hot."

"What happened?"

"A lot."

I told her everything, how I found out I liked Peter and kissed him, how he pulled away. I also told her I really liked Bucky, and how I got him and Steve together. Everything that has happened basically.

"Wow. That is a lot. I've actually been wanting to get Steve and Buck together for awhile, guess you did that for me."

I smiled.

"Look, Peter's a dumbass. Maybe you should try to fix some things though."

"It's probably too late by now, I've been ignoring him for awhile."

My phone rang, and I looked at it. It was a message from Peter.

Look, I know you probably don't want to talk to me. But can you please meet me at our spot in an hour. For old times sake?

"You okay?" Nat asked.

"It's from Peter."

"What does it say?"

"He wants to meet me. Should I?"

"Grace, I can't decide decisions like that. You must do what you think is right."

I didn't want to see Peter. Everything in my life was telling me no. That I should not forgive him. All the signs. But her heart was saying something else. And for the first time in a long time, I chose her heart.

"I'll go."

Nat left, and I changed.

After what felt like years, it was time to start heading over there. It was dark by now, and the stars shown brightly. It made me feel better, even though up there are aliens and gods. Stars always would comfort me.

When I was only a few feet from entering the area I stopped. It felt like walking on that sidewalk would change my life. Finally gaining the courage, I walked to the bench. He was already there, it looked like he had for awhile.

We sat quietly, but for some reason, it wasn't awkward, but peaceful.


I turned to Peter, and he looked at me.

"The last time we were here, I made a stupid decision. And I paid for it. But today I met someone, and he helped me see something. Grace, I love spending time with you. When we talk about our favorite Star Wars characters, scream out Melanie Martinez songs in your room. Eating lunch with Mj and Ned, laughing our asses off and talking about random shit. When I first met you, I felt comforted. You've been hurt so many times, life has been cruel, but you're so strong. I wish I was that strong. You're beautiful in every way, and when I almost lost you... I broke. I want to protect you, make sure you're safe. When you said no guy would ever want a girl with an evil demon inside her, you were wrong. You want to know why?"

"Why?" I said, scared to hear the answer.

"Because I love you Grace."

His lips crashed onto mine, and I kissed back. Everything faded away, it was just me, Peter, and the stars shining over us. I forgot all my troubles. About the voice, and my future. Right now it was me and Peter.

When we broke apart for air, I stared into his eyes. This boy in front of me is my future, not some voice in my head. It can't control me forever.

So that night we ran around the park and ended up climbing on the roof of Peter's apartment building. The view was beautiful.

"It's beautiful."

"Yeah, it sure is," he said while staring at me.

I kissed him again, and this time, he didn't pull away.

Don't mind me crying over here. I'm not going to say a lot, because I know you want to read the next chapter. I'm doing a special chapter to talk.

Go ahead, read on!

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