Chapter 4

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Grace's POV

There, sitting on the couch was Peter. He was on a computer, doing something. He looked up and smiled. I decided to sit down on the other side of the couch. 

"What are you doing up?," he asked. 

I didn't answer. 

"Your not much of a talker." 

I took this time to think, now what am I going to do. Once I get better, they'll want to take me home. I have no where to go. I looked up, Peter was looking at me, a little worried. He looked away. This kid was weird.

Peter's POV

I got up early to be on my own. I like to be on my own in the mornings. It's a good thing it's Saturday, no school today. That's when Grace came in. I wanted to know why she was up. 

I asked her and she didn't say anything. 

I started to worry, should I wake up Mr. Stark?

No, I want her to trust me. 

I realized then I was staring, and she looked at me. I looked away and mentally slapped myself. 

Snap out of it! 

She probably thinks your weird! 

I looked back at the computer, I needed a distraction. Every once in awhile though, when she wasn't looking or paying attention, I made sure she was okay. That's when I noticed her blue eyes. 

They were beautiful. 

They looked, a bit gray though, like it was her emotion. I wonder what was making her sad. I looked at the time, it was now 6 am. The team should start getting up soon. Right on cue, Tony walked in. He saw me and waved and then noticed Grace. He looked at me questioning and I shrugged. He continued walking to the kitchen, most likely to get coffee. We were both wondering the same thing. 

Is she okay?

Grace's POV

When I looked at the time, two hours passed. When I get deep in my thoughts, I could never get out. I was thinking of the dream. That's when I noticed Tony walk in. I wonder if they all heard my scream. 

"Good morning Princess," he said. 

My face filled with anger and I said, "Don't call me Princess," harshly. 

He looked back at me, shocked. I looked at Peter, he was too. I guess they never thought I could be that harsh. I almost burst out laughing, oh they were SO wrong. 

"She speaks."

He continued making his coffee. 

Tony did NOT deserve to call me the same thing my Mom did. Other people started walking in. I didn't pay much attention though. I could tell they all looked at me when they walked in. That's when I broke out of my thoughts, I smelled... food. 

Real food

That brought back memories.


Grace was playing with her toys when her Mom called.


Grace's father picked her up, and took her to her chair. 

Her mom put some waffles in front of her, and she started eating. Her Mom made the BEST waffles. They laughed and talked. Grace smiled, this was home.

A couple years later...

Grace woke up in her tiny room. She walked downstairs and got the supplies for breakfast, she started making it. Her father walked in. He sat down and Grace gave him the food. He took a bite, got up, and threw it all away. 

"It's all over cooked. Make more, and no breakfast." 

Grace sighed internally, and made breakfast again. When she thought her father wasn't looking, she grabbed a biscuit. 

He saw. 


 Grace looked over at him, terrified. Her father got up, and took the biscuit from her. 

"I said, No breakfast! Now no lunch!" 

He threw it away, and slapped her, hard. Grace nodded and continued with breakfast. She gave it to him, and he said, 

"I don't want this slop, I'll get some real food somewhere else." 

He took the food and threw it away. After he left, Grace looked at where she was slapped, it had a bruise. 

She went upstairs to the bathroom, wondering why this had to be her home.


I looked up, everyone was getting food. I was starving. I got up and made a plate. I looked at Steve, he smiled. I know the others wanted me to eat, I looked skinny to the bone.

 I thank my childhood for that. 

I got a bit of food. I could tell the others were worried about that too.

 I ignored them. 

I started to eat, it was really good. Everyone else was engaged in conversation. I focused on eating. I ate half of my plate. That's enough said my mind. I looked at Peter, he smiled. There was something about his smile, it made me feel, good. They all seemed nice, but Peter seemed the nicest. I took this time to survey the rest.

 I looked at Bruce and Steve, they seemed nice. 

Natasha looked in intimidating. 

Tony was... a pain. 

Clint, I don't know yet. 

That's when I noticed everyone was staring at me... again. I ignored them, I could feel my demons scratching to get out. 

'They think you are a freak.'

That's when I heard the voice. 

'It's time'

 Oh no. 

Not again. 

I freaked out, I have to get out of here, NOW.

 I got up and ran to my room, I would deal with them later. I closed the door, and I walked a little till I fell on the floor. 

I sat, rocking back and forth, hands covering my ears. 

'Time for some fun' 

No!, I said back

 'You don't have a choice'

 I could hear knocking at the door, someone was calling my name, as my vision slowly faded to nothing

 I opened my eyes, I was back in the dark room 

It's time for me to come out

I tried to fight it, it was too powerful though

 I could feel it, it was almost out 

I could hear some people, they were trying to get in my room.

"Get away!," I screamed.

I hoped they heard me

The demons inside me got out

I lost control

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