Chapter 13

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A few months later... (Did not expect that, did you?)

Grace's POV

School has been tough. Flash won't stop bothering me, and has done worse things.

He will do anything to get on my nerves. I didn't tell anyone about it though, not even Peter.

It's for the best.

Mr. Dean absolutely hates me, giving me extra work, and just pissing me off. So, I make him mad by acting like it's all fine. I do all the work, answer every random question he asks me correctly, and just being as good as I can be.

Oh, how he hates it.

Today, we get the results from the huge science test we had. As he was passing out the tests, he got to me.

"Grace, so close."

I took the test he handed me with a smile, 89%

I looked through what I got wrong. Some I don't even know what I was thinking, but one I got right he counted wrong. That question would have changed my grade to an A.

The bell rang, and I walked up to his desk after packing up.

"Excuse me Mr. Dean? This question you marked wrong is right, I checked it myself and then asked someone who got it right, and it is right."

He smiled at me, took the test, and read over it.

"I can't believe it. Grace, are you trying to cheat, this question is wrong, I wrote it, it stands."

"But sir..."

"Are you trying to talk back to me now! That's it! Detention today after school!"

I nodded, and he handed back the test I grabbed my bag and basically ran to my next class.

During math, I zoned out, I already knew this anyways.

He obviously was trying to get me to get mad, he did it on purpose. I'm so done with this!

After school was finally over, I texted Tony, telling him I had to stay after school to work on a project.

No way I'm telling the Avengers that I got a detention.

It will NOT end well.

I went to the detention room, and was surprised that Mj wasn't there. She normally stays after school here.

I sat down, there was only a few other people here. They were either playing on their phone, or whispering, or working on something. I pulled out my math homework, and finished it in five minutes.

I sighed, this was SO boring. After the super long hour, where I just listened to music in my phone after awhile, I shouldn't torture myself for nothing.

Nat would be proud.

As soon as they released us, I ran out of there. It was now 5:00, I knew it was going to be crowded everywhere. It was Friday though. Ah, a nice long weekend away from the nightmare that is school.

I started walking, and that's when I saw someone leaning against a door in the hallway.


"Hey baby."

I walked right past me, but he followed me. That's until he pulled me into an empty closet and locked the door.

"Flash, please. I have to go home. Just leave me alone."

He laughed, and I started to feel a panic attack coming on . I pushed it away. I can't be weak.

He pushed me against the wall.

I felt the memories of my father Flash before my eye.

It was hard to breathe.

He pressed his lips against mine.

I tried to fight, but I couldn't move. I was frozen.

He started to pull off my shirt, luckily not ripping it.

He made me pull off his. I could see the lust in his eyes.

It escalated from there. After awhile, he pulled on his clothes and just left.

Left me sitting in a closet, with no clothes on, terrified.

I wanted to scream and cry.

But I couldn't.

I pulled on my clothes, and ran out of there. I looked at the time, it had been another hour.

An hour of torture.

I thought all of this was behind me. I was wrong.

I ran to the tower, my panic attack happening.

I couldn't breathe.

I ran to my room, no one was home.

Must be a mission. The first good news today.

"J-jarv-is, p-please delete this footage, and don't say anything. Please."

"Of course miss."

I jumped on my bed, and struggled to breathe. For a short while, I couldn't take a single breath. I ran to the bathroom, grabbed my razor, and just started to cut. And cut. And cut.

I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror, it disgusts me.

I cried, and after what felt like hours and hours of pain, I could finally breathe more normally.

I looked at the clock, 9:00. It's been three hours.

I went and got in bed.

And cried myself asleep.

About 3 weeks later...

Ten times.

It's happened ten times. All random, and Flash can sense my fear, and he likes it.

I know Peter, Ned, and Mj know I've been getting really distant. When they ask, I just say I have been focusing on school a lot.

These weeks have been the worst weeks of my life, and that's saying a lot.

I have a plan though.

Today, my life will change.

For the better.

So I enjoy this day, and hang out with Peter, Ned's sick, and Mj has family business.

It's sad I can't say goodbye.

When I say goodbye to Peter, I give him a hug. He looks surprised, I will miss him.

When I get back to the tower, I ignore my homework, and hang out with the team.

I smiled, I would miss them so much.

After a delicious dinner, I watched a movie with them, then went to my room.

I wrote a letter for each member of the team, and then to Peter.

I sighed, and changed into clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I went out to my balcony, and looked at the beautiful city. I tear fell down my cheek.

I jumped and sat on the edge, then stood up. This would surely kill me.

Then I heard a knock at the door, and Peter walked through.

Damnit, I forgot to lock the door.

He looked at me shocked. I smiled at him, and he started to run to me, screaming.

I jumped.

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