Chapter 12

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(IMPORTANT: I changed the book, where this class, Peter, Ned, and Mj aren't in it. Note that.)

Grace's POV

I walked through the door, full of confidence.

I walked up to my science teacher, and waited for him to notice me. I still didn't have enough confidence to start a conversation though. Finally, he noticed me.

"I'm guessing you're the new student? Sit anywhere and just try your best. I don't expect you to do well in this class."

There goes my confidence. And Peter had NO time to explain my teachers? Oh he's dead later. I smiled at him, and went to find a seat. The only empty seat was next to Flash of course.

Oh someone's dying today, whether it be the teacher, Flash, or some random kid.

Or me.

I sat down, completely ignoring Flash's smirk.

I focused on the teacher, he was luckily talking about something I know.

About 10 minutes of his droning on talking, that I was listening to only because I would never get out of my thoughts if I started, I felt something.

I looked down, and it took all my energy to not punch him right now.

Flash had his hand on my thigh.

It's been one day, and I already have a murder list.

Luckily, no one noticed. I looked at Flash, and he was just smiling.

Of course, that was the one moment the teacher noticed.

"Grace, what is the mass of the sun?"

I looked up, that had absolutely nothing to do with what he was talking about.

"1.989 x 10^30 kilograms" (Yes I looked that up, because this is what school feels like)

He looked shocked that I knew that.

He continued his lesson, but Flash wouldn't move his hand. Of course, he took that moment to squeeze my thigh. And I wanted to scream.

Finally, the bell rang. He moved his hand before anyone noticed. I grabbed my stuff, and was almost out the door, when of course Mr. Dean called for me.

I kept my eye roll in, and walked to his desk.

"Here's some stuff you missed before, and I hope you enjoy your seat, Flash is a great student."

If I had a drop less of self control, again, that guy would be on the floor. I grabbed my homework, which was as heavy as a dog. A big dog.

I walked out of the room, when I ran right into Flash. I walked right around him.

Not before he slapped my butt. No one was around to see it though.

I ignored it, tuning out everything. The rest of the day was long with lots of homework and annoying people.

By the end of the day, I just wanted to punch anyone who said a word to me. Peter had to go home, so he went the opposite way. He said goodbye, and I started to walk to the tower.

I plugged in my music, and went into my own world. I didn't even realize I was in the elevator until I got out of my thoughts. I decided it was best to ignore everyone, act like you can't hear or see them.

Basically like there me.

The door opened, and I quickly glanced at them. That was enough to see them all waiting for me. Their heads looked at me as the door dinged. They started running towards me, but I kept walking like I couldn't hear them. They were screaming questions.

"How was your day?"

"Make friends?"


"Were there drugs?"

I kept walking, and closed my door. As soon as I locked it, I took a deep breath.

I dropped my 10 pound backpack on the ground and jumped on my bed. I hate school.

I sighed, knowing I have to get up and do my homework.

I went to my desk and started my hours of homework. For science. I had a packet full of hundreds of pages and probably thousands of questions. About an hour later, I heard a knock at the door.

I paused my music, and went to the door. I opened it, and there was Nat. I was relieved, anyone else, and I would have slammed the door in their face.

"Can I come in?"

I nodded, and let her in. I closed the door and sat on my bed next to her.

"Good technique back there, I've used that one a few times. Especially with Tony."

I smiled, Nat gets me. "Well, it's either do that, or sit there for hours while they talk."

Nat laughed, and she looked at what used to be my desk before the homework.

"Jesus, is this the whole freaking class, do they want you to die?"

"Yeah, it's a lot. My science teacher is a bitch too."

"I remember my first trainer at SHIELD. They underestimated me, and was just so annoying. Ever punch, ever kick, that was real anger. He used everything I did against me. I didn't realize that he was teaching me a lesson. That anger doesn't always work in a fighting situation. You know who that trainer was?"

I shook my head no.

"He was Clint. And boy, he was annoying. Took a different perspective to see the true him."

Wow, Clint.


The guy who is scared of a spider on the floor.

That was surprising. I didn't think my science teacher was anything like that though.

"Or my science teacher is just a bitch."

"That too."

I laughed, and Nat got up and left. After awhile, it was time for dinner. I couldn't look at Clint the same though. Clint, the guy that loves sugar, cartoons, and is the only one that keeps up with pop culture, is really smart.

The world is changing.

After dinner, I went back and finish a lot of my homework. It wasn't too hard.

I went to the shower, and as I took off my jeans, there it was.

A mark from where Flash put his hand.

'You deserve it, why did you think you would get away with pain?'

I got in the shower, put on leggings and a sweatshirt, then went to jump on my bed.

It was only Monday, and I was already done.

With school.

With people.

With Flash.

And with life.

Thanks for reading!

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