Chapter 8

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Grace's POV

After dinner, Tony came up to me and Peter. 

"So Grace, since I think you'll be staying for awhile, we need to set you up for school and test you to see what grade you should be in." 

I saw this coming. What's surprising though, is that I'm not worried about the testing, I've always been super smart. I did learn while I was on my own. I went to a library and I did have a bunch of books. 

School was always easy for me. Probably because I wasn't aloud to watch movies or tv or have a phone to distract me. I was lucky I had books I hid from my Dad to read.

 I nodded, and he said he'd do that tomorrow. I could see Peter's disappointment, he had to go to school tomorrow. 

I will miss sleeping in. After awhile, Peter has to go back to his Aunt's house. He told me he'd be back tomorrow to see what the results are. I hugged him and then went to bed myself. I changed and got into the comfy bed. 

I fell right asleep.


I recognized the room right away. It was the dark room where I heard the voice last time. I took a deep breath, I needed answers. 

"I know you are here, I said, it's time we have a talk." 

It was quiet for awhile, until the voice spoke up. 

"I agree." 

I blinked, and when my eyes opened a second later, there stood a terrifying sight. It was me, well, supposed to be me. I had sharp teeth, and I looked, darker. Like I had no joy or any good emotions left. The creepiest part were my eyes though. 

They were completely black. Darkness was pouring down from my eyes, like black tears. 

It was a horrifying sight, especially with the evil smirk the "other me" had. 

"Who are you?," I asked. 

The other me laughed. 

"I'm you."

 I was shocked, she sounded exactly like me. 

"No you can't be, that's not possible, there can't be two me's!" 

"Why of course there can be! You are every emotion, I'm your dark and gloomy emotions. I'm the part of you that you want to forget the most."

 So that's why the voice is always so negative. Because it is the negative. 


 "Why do you want me? Why do other people not have to deal with this like I do?" 

That question has been bothering me for a long time. 

"You were the perfect candidate for me. You have a lot of dark memories from your past, it was quite simple to overpower you. You don't have the strength."

 "I bet there were others more hurt than me! That just shows you are pathetic! You go for the easy target, not the hard ones. You are a coward, and you don't scare me."

 I was angry, and what I said made the other me even more angry. 

"No, YOU are the pathetic one. You are weak."

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