I had to satisfy the thirst, the desire, the need.

So that is what I did.

Just across the street for my hotel was a bar called D'89; the perfect location to bask in the glory of my misery and hunt a human who will put a full stop to my agony.

But who knew that D'89 would be the place where I'll meet Chris and my future.


"One more of this heavenly drink, please. Thank you, life-saver."

It had been an hour, an excruciating, and painfully slow hour. There was no single human in sight, everyone with a date or friends, leaving me to sit alone at the bar.

The tall bartender handed me my drink.

I silently nodded a thanks in his way and gulped the entire drink in one take.

Maybe I could ask him?

But what will I say? I've never done it with a human. How do you ask male humans to have sex with you? What is the courteous way of saying I want to smash and dash?

"Hi, do you want to do the deed with me?"

No! Ugh. Vivian, what is wrong with you?

You have one job, just one job! Get in, get laid and get out.


My thought process came to a halt when I heard a stool creak near me. I silently lifted my head to greet the stranger who was sitting a seat away, looking directly at me.

I studied his face.

Blue eyes, check.
Black hair, check.
Nice thick eyebrows, check.
Great facial hair, check.
Hot body, triple check.

"Did you know, it is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky," he spoke, as a matter of factly.

His voice was deep and husky. It had the type of tone which travelled down your spine right down to the end of your toes. It didn't help when all I wanted to do was pounce on him right there and then.

Goddess, this heat is driving me mad.

"And you are....?" I asked, deciding that the best way to get in this human's pant was to initiate small talk.

He turned towards me, leaning in a little bit, "I am Entertainment. You looked bored thus, I decided to bless you with my presence."

I decided to play on, "Does it look like I want to be 'blessed' by anyone named Entertainment?"

"No, obviously. But that's because the emotion of boredom is overpowering your entire being," he wiggled his index finger in front of my eyes.

He thinks I'm bored? Let me take off my underwear and show him the niagra falls down there.

After thinking for a few seconds, I decided against it and choose to verbally answer back,"I must say your assumption is absolutely wrong."

"God, you really need my therapy." He muttered, sliding easily on the barstool placed next to me.

His scent became even more prominent once he slid over, putting all my senses in overdrive.

This is it, I am going to strip in 5 seconds. Public place be damned.

"You're really beautiful, you know."

I stared at him for a long time, wondering if I should be straightforward and ask him to fuvk me? No strings attached?

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