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Edmund frowned as he woke, his eyes flickering open slowly. He lay there, trying to figure out where he was, it took a while but he then remembered he was in his bed, in his room, in Cair Paravel. That means that Peter should be sat right next to him.
Turning his head he went to check if he was right, but to his confusment he wasn't. Peter wasn't sat on the bed beside him or even in the chair that was beside the bed. He got even more confused when he looked over to his brother's bed and saw that he wasn't there either.
Taking a deep breath, a frown spread across his face, he slowly sat up, the blanket falling slowly off of him, causing him to shiver a little.
Glancing around the room his heart started to pound in his chest, where was Peter? Or even Susan and Lucy? He hadn't been left alone for more than five minutes over the past week, and that was what confused him.
Sighing he went to climb out of bed but stopped dead when he spotted something in the corner of the room... or rather someone.
Edmund's eyes went wide as the white witch stepped forward towards him. "No." He choked.
Jadis smirked. "Yes." She whispered as he walked towards the bed. "Did you actually think you'd be able to kill me? With hiw weak you were?"
Edmund swallowed hard as he watched her get closer, but he seemed unable to move, he was frozen to the spot. Where was Peter? Where was Susan? Where was Lucy?
Jadis smirked even more as she stopped beside the bed, staring down at Edmund.
"Y - You're dead." Edmund said quickly, trembling.
Jadis laughed. "But I'm not though." She said. "I'm as alive as you are."
Edmund's heart pounded and his eyes went wide when Jadis held up a knife.
"Except that in a minute, you won't be alive." The witch said.
Edmund shook his head, finding himself unable to move. "Please don't." He choked.
Jadis smirked before pushing Edmund down onto the bed and grabbing his hair, pulling his head back and placing the blade to his neck.
Edmund's eyes filled with tears. "P - Peter." He choked.
Jadis smirked. "He won't save you." She taunted. "Who would save a traitor?"
Edmund let out a quiet sob as he felt the steel blade dig into the side of the neck.
"Peter, please." He whispered.
"He's not coming." Jadis spat, tightening her grip of his hair and lifting his head up even more.
"Help." Edmund said, his voice tight.
Jadis rolled her eyes. "That's a thing I won't miss." She spat. "You always begging for help."
Edmund stared at her, tears now rolling down his cheeks.
Jadis smirked. "Say goodbye." She whispered.

Edmund's eyes shot open as he let out a strangled gasp.
Peter sighed in relief as he let Edmund catch his breath and calm down, before he placed a hand on his shoulder.
Edmund's head snapped to the side, eyes wide with fear.
"Ed?" Peter questioned.
Edmund stared at him. "Pete?" He choked.
Peter nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled.
Edmund sighed slowly before taking a deep breath. "It was her." He choked. "She - She was here, she had a knife-" Edmund took another deep breath. "She - She went to kill me-"
"Edmund she's dead." Peter said quickly. "It was just a dream."
Edmund swallowed hard. "Promise?" He said.
"I promise Ed." Peter said firmly. "It was only a dream. You killed Jadis, alright?"
"Alright." Edmund mumbled.
Peter sighed. "Come here." He said, holding out his arm.
Edmund didn't hesitate as he wrapped his arms around Peter's waist, burying his face into his chest.
Peter wrapped his arms around his younger brother, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
"I can't wait til tomorrow." Edmund mumbled after a while.
"Can't you?" Peter said with a chuckle.
Edmund smiled and shook his head. "Nope." He laughed.
Peter nodded, and seemed to be thinking for a moment before he pulled away from his brother, getting a frown and a disappointed look. "Wait here." He said with a smile before he walked across the room and over to his beside table, where he picked up two things.
Edmund frowned even more when he saw a box and two slices of cake on a plate.
"Stealing cake from Susan again are we?" Edmund said, raising an eyebrow.
Peter laughed as he sat back in Edmund's bed. "No, not this time." He laughed. "I made this actually."
"You - made a cake?!" Edmund said, smirking.
"I can bake you know." Peter said, his eyebrow raised.
"Right." Edmund laughed. "But where's the rest of it?"
"Er, Susan and Lucy sorta got "Revenge"" Peter replied.
Edmund laughed. "They ate it?" He said.
"Yeah." Peter said. "But atleast they were kind enough to save two pieces."
"Wait, they ate nearly a whole cake?" Edmund said, sounding confused.
"They probably shared it with Mr.Tumnus and the beavers." Peter said with a small smile.
Edmund let out another laugh. "Yeah, atleast they saved some." He said.
Peter smiled at him.
"What's in the box?" Edmund asked after a moment of silence.
Peter sighed. "Your birthday present." He said. "I've had it for a while."
Edmund frowned. "Okay." He said slowly.
Peter held the box out towards him.
"You want me to open it now?" Edmund said, frowning.
"Yeah." Peter nodded.
Edmund frowned more but took the box, giving Peter a quick glance before opening the box. His eyes went wide when he saw what was in it. "Peter." He said. "How - What?"
"I made it." Peter said, shrugging.
Edmund looked up at him. "You made it?!" He said in shock.
Peter laughed a little. "I had alot of help." He said.
"When did you have the time to do it without me finding out?" Edmund asked.
"You've slept alot over the last month." Peter smirked.
Edmund smiled a little, looking back down at the box and slowly taking out the dagger that was inside. "I love it." He choked.
"I'm glad." Peter laughed.
Edmund laughed too before flying into Peter's arms. "Thank you." He whispered.
Peter smiled, wrapping his arms around his brother. "No problem."


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