Please don't

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Peter quickly resurfaced and gasped for air, flicking his hair out of his eyes to see better. But he couldn't see his brother.
"Edmund!" He shouted as he did his best to swim against the fast flown of the river. He was well aware of Jadis up on the bank, smirking down at him, but he ignored her, only set on finding his brother. "Edmund!" He screamed again, letting himself be dragged down the river just a little bit.
Then he saw him. Edmund gasped as he finaly resurfaced, his eyes going wide as he tried to stay above water. His face was red with effort and it was quite clear that he was choking on water.
Peter swam as fast as he could towards his brother, forcing his eyes to stay open even though the water made his eyes sting. His heart skipped a beat when Edmund disappeared under the water again. "Ed!" He shouted before diving under after him. Forcing his eyes to stay open he held his breath as glanced around under the water for any sight of his brother. But the water was way too murky and he could barely see three feet in front of him.
Resurfacing with a gasp he pushed his fringe out of his eyes and glanced around again, hoping and praying that he'd spot Edmund. He spotted a blur of black for just a split second before it disappeared under the water again.
Peter watched that spot as he swam over, worried to see that Edmund hadn't resurfaced yet. Once he'd reached the spot he took a deep breath, held it and dived under the water. He swam down and down, his eyes wide open until he spotted his brother.
Edmund's eyes were closed and his mouth open, he was deadly pale and had quite clearly passed out.. or-
Peter quickly grabbed Edmund under his arms before kicking his legs and dragging him back towards the surface.
He swam as fast as he could and with as much strength as possible, now struggling to hold his breath.
He resurfaced before gasping for air, clinging to Edmund as tightly as he could, feeling his head fall against his shoulder.
Peter gasped for air for a moment before he let the flow of the river drag him down before he managed to grab the branch of a fallen down tree that stuck out across the river.
He grabbed it with one hand, his other arm tightly around Edmund's waist, and hurled himself upwards.
With great effort he managed to get Edmund up onto the bank before hurling himself up behind him.
He wasted no time in recovering or catching his breath and quickly crawled over to his brother, who was still unconscious.
"Ed?" He said quickly, his voice raspy. "By Aslan Ed wake up."
Edmund made no movement, he just lay there, his face pale and his eyes closed.
"Ed please wake up." Peter choked, out of the corner of his eye seeing Jadis and her little troop walking towards them, but he paid them no attention. "Edmund come on!" He practically begged, starting to shiver now.
Edmund all of a sudden let out a hacking cough, sitting up a little and leaning over as he spat out the water that was now in his mouth.
Peter breathed a sigh of relief as he placed a hand on his brothers shoulder, holding him up as he coughed.
"It's okay." Peter whispered as Edmund gasped for air. "I've got you."
After a while Edmund's breathing became even. He swallowed hard and collapsed against his brother, shivering.
Peter took a deep breath, wrapping an arm around his brother and pulling him close, running a hand through his wet hair. "I've got you." He repeated.
Edmund had absolutely no strength to raise his arm and hug him back, he had no strength to do anything.
Before he knew what had happened, Peter was grabbed roughly around the arms and yanked away from his brother, causing Edmund to fall onto the floor, lying on his back and taking short, quick breaths.
"No!" Peter screamed, trying his hardest to get away. "Edmund!"
Jadis smirked as she walked over to Edmund, standing by his head before bending down. Grabbing his hair she turned his head so that he had to look at her. Edmund had no strength to even know what was going on at this point. He looked up at Jadis, looking dazed and confused, but Peter saw that his eyes held nothing but fear and pain.
"Leave him alone!" Peter screamed as loudly as he could. "Let him go! Don't you dare touch him! Please!"
Jadis just rolled her eyes, but kept her stare on Edmund before bringing out her knife.
Edmund's eyes went wide when he saw it, but didn't make any movement, to weak to even move his head away.
"I've waited for this moment for a long time." Jadis whispered.
"No!" Peter screamed, tears streaming down his cheeks as he struggled to get away. He was struggling so much that the minotaur was actually having trouble keeping hold of him. "Don't! Please don't do it!!!!"
Jadis paid him no attention and gently pressed the blade of the knife to Edmund's neck.
Edmund's breathing picked up as he shook his head, causing him to wince in pain as he felt the dagger dig into his skin.
"Edmund!" Peter continued to scream over and over again.
Jadis' grip on Edmund's hair tightened as she slowly lifted his head, allowing herself full access to his neck.
Edmund just lay there, not moving and at this point not breathing, feeling the knife digging into his skin.
"Please don't!" Peter screamed at the witch, tears pouring down his cheeks.
"Say goodbye Edmund." Jadis laughed.
Peter's eyes went wide as his mouth dropped open.
But then, there was a whizzing sound before an arrow embedded itself in Jadis' side, causing her to let out a strangled gasp and for her eyes to go wide.
Peter frowned as she dropped the knife and fell to the floor, gasping in pain.
Peter stared at the arrow in her side. He recognised it. He let out a relieved laugh as he remembered who the arrow belonged to.
He'd never been so relieved when he looked up and saw his two sisters, Orious and a few fauns stood a few hundred yards away from them, another arrow on Susan's bow.

Happy cliffhanger??? 😂😂😱😱

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