One drop of Adam's blood

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The four Pevensies sat at the dining table eating dinner the next evening, Susan kept staring at her brothers, and the two were getting confused.
"What's up Su?" Peter asked.
"Oh nothing." Susan said, smirking.
Peter frowned over at Edmund, who shrugged and went back to his food.
"Seriously Su." Peter said after a while. "Why are you looking at us like that?"
Susan smiled. "I was just trying to figure out which one of you took some of my cake." She said.
Peter bit his lip, trying to keep back a smile. "Well it wasn't me." He said.
"Ed?" Susan questioned.
Edmund cleared his throat, looking up at his sister. "Wasn't me." He said.
"Hmm." Susan nodded, smiling at Lucy before turning back to her brothers. "You know I don't believe you right?" She said after a short pause.
"Well you should." Peter said, trying his hardest not to start laughing.
"We didn't take any." Edmund said, glancing at his brother.
"That cake was meant for today after dinner." Susan said.  "And seeming as one of you has already had some, you won't be getting any."
"That's hardly fair." Peter said. "You have no proof that we took the cake!"
"We?" Susan said, raising an eyebrow. "I only thought it was one of you."
"Well - Er - Yeah, you have no proof that we - as in either of us - took the cake." Peter said quickly.
"Anyway, I'm not overly fond of chocolate cake." Edmund said.
Susan smirked. "That's not true." She sad simply. "It might as well be your favourite."
Edmund bit his lip.
"And how did you know it was chocolate cake?" Susan said, smirking at her little brother. "I didn't tell any of you what flavour it was."
Edmund stared at his sister, mouth open.
"It was Edmund!" Lucy said, laughing.
"It was Peter too!" Edmund blurted out.
Peter's eyes went wide. "Ed!" He exclaimed.
"Sorry." Edmund said, shrugging.
Peter shook his head, but he had a smile on his face. "Fine, we got hungry last night and sorta ate some of your cake." He told Susan.
"Midnight snack was it?" Susan teased.
Edmund just rolled his eyes. "It was nice though." He said.
"Please can we just have some more now?" Peter said.
"I'm not sure." Susan smirked. "You have had a slice already."
"Susan!" Edmund groaned.
Susan just laughed. "I'm joking, of course you can have some."
Peter smirked a little as Edmund stuck out his tongue playfully.


"Are you sure this is gonna work?" The dwarf whispered as he and the hag crept through the halls of Cair Paravel that night.
"Of course it will." The hag whispered back.
"They'll definitely be asleep?" The dwarf double checked.
"It's three o'clock in the morning! Of course they'll be asleep!" The hag spat.
The dwarf sighed, following behind the hag and saying no more.
The two soon stopped outside of a double door. "This is the room." The hag said, quietly opening the door.
"They won't wake?" The dwarf asked.
"Not with the spell I've cast on them." The hag grinned evenly.  "They won't even come close to waking."
The dwarf nodded as the two entered the room, only to see both Peter and Edmund fast asleep in their beds.
"Got the knife?" The dwarf said as the two slowly approached Edmund.
The hag only nodded, drawing her knife.
The dwarf chuckled evily, grabbing hold of Edmund's hand. He didn't even stir.
"That's some strong spell." He muttered to the hag. "And his brother won't wake either?"
"Nope." The hag smirked, glancing over at Peter, who was fast asleep.
The dwarf nodded as the hag placed the tip of the knife to Edmund's palm.
Cutting alone his palm she made sure to cover the knifes blade in his blood before handing it to the dwarf. "That'll be enough."
"Hang on." The dwarf sad suddenly.
"What?" The hag spat.
"Doesn't the blood have to come straight from the human?" The dwarf asked.
The hag just smirked. "This time I've placed a spell, that everyday our Queen is alive, the traitor here will get weaker and the Queen will get stronger."
The dwarf nodded. "Excellent plan." He laughed. "How weak will he get?"
"So weak that he won't be able to live anymore." The hag laughed, slowly healing the cut on Edmund's hand with her powers.
"Are we done?" The dwarf asked, keeping a tight grip on the knife in his hand, the blade covered in Edmund's blood.
"I think so." The hag laughed, heading for the door.
the dwarf followed and they left the castle, no one knowing that they had even been there.


Edmund flinched slightly as he woke up, sighing as he forced his eyes open. The first thing he became aware of was a dull aching pain in his hand. Frowning he glanced at it, but saw nothing that would be causing any pain.
Sighing slightly he hesitantly climbed out of bed, looking over to his brothers bed and to his surprise finding his brother still asleep. Edmund glanced at the clock and was even more surprised to find that it was half eight. Peter hardly ever slept this late.
"Peter?" Edmund asked, walking over to his brother.
Peter opened his eyes. "Yeah?" He asked.
"It's half eight." Edmund said.
Peter nodded. "I've been awake for a while." He said, smiling as he climbed out of bed. "Just didn't want to get up."
Edmund smiled a little. "Lazy." He smirked.
"You're one to talk." Peter said, raising an eyebrow.
Edmund rolled his eyes. "I suppose." He whispered, gripping his hand.
"You okay?" Peter asked, frowning.
"Yeah." Edmund said, looking confused. "My hand just hurts and I don't know why."
Peter frowned. "Maybe you knocked it in your sleep?" He suggested, shrugging.
"Maybe." Edmund mumbled.
"Right." Peter said. "Let's get ready and go and have breakfast."
Edmund smiled. "Sounds great."


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