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"Peter wait up!" Edmund panted as he ran behind her brother.
Peter stopped running and turned to Edmund, waiting for him to catch up. "Sorry." He mumbled. "I forgot your still not - well - quite recovered."
Edmund nodded as he tried to catch his breath. "It's fine." He said after a while. "Can we just walk?"
"Yeah." Peter replied, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder.
"Thanks." Edmund mumbled as he walked beside Peter.
"Where do you reckon the girls are?" Peter asked.
Edmund only shrugged. "Their room?" He suggested.
"Doubt it." Peter sighed. "Let's check the library, Lucy'll be there at least."
Edmund nodded in agreement as the two headed for the library.
"Peter, Edmund?"
The two turned around to see Susan stood behind them with a frown on her face. "Why do you have Jadis' wand!" She exclaimed in shock.
"We'll explain in a minute." Peter said. "First we need to find Lucy."
"Well she's in the library." Susan said, seeing Edmund nod at Peter.
"Come on then." Peter said as he dashed off towards the library.
"Ed, you okay?" Susan asked as they walked behind him at a slower pace.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He muttered.
Susan frowned a little. "Are you sure?" She asked. "You look rather, worried?"
Edmund sighed. "Peter will explain." He said quietly.
Susan nodded slowly as they reached the library, where Lucy was sat on a pile of cushions.
"Hey guys." She smiled but she frowned when she saw that Peter had the witches wand. "What are you doing with that?!" She asked, looking rather shocked.
Peter waited for Susan and Edmund to sit beside Lucy before kneeling in front of them, sighing slightly.
"A hag tried to steal it." He told his sisters.
Susan's eyes went wide. "What?" She said. "How?"
"She got into the room." Edmund said quietly. "Locked the door so no one would be able to get in and knocked out the centuar so he wouldn't hear anyone inside."
"Then how did you end up with the wand?" Lucy asked.
"We were in the room when the door got locked." Peter explained. "She appeared in the room, thinking that it would be empty."
"Thank Aslan you were both there." Susan mumbled.
"Too right." Lucy sighed.
"If the wand is stolen though." Susan said slowly. "They won't be able to bring Jadis back to life, they don't have a drop of yours or Edmund's blood." She said. "We made sure of that." She added firmly.
"I suppose." Peter said.
"L - Let's not take any chances though." Edmund said, taking a deep breath.
Peter nodded. "Edmund's right." He said. "This wand needs to be guarded, twenty four seven."
"But it has been guarded twenty four seven." Lucy frowned.
"I mean like - watched." Peter corrected.
"Peter's right." Susan nodded after a moment.
"I'll go and let the guards know." Peter said. "And get someone to help that centaur."
"I'll do that." Lucy said immediately, standing and rushing out of the room.
"Hang on, I'll come with you!" Susan called, before running of after her.
"Come on Ed." Peter said, standing. "Let's go let them know." He went to leave but frowned when Edmund stayed where he was, as if frozen to the spot. "Ed?" He questioned.
Edmund sighed a little, not looking up at Peter.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked softly, sitting beside Edmund.
"She - She won't come back will she?" Edmund asked hesitantly.
Peter bit his lip. "Not if her followers don't get this wand." He said reassuringly.
"But what if they do get the wand?" Edmund asked, staring at his brother with nothing but worry and panick in his eyes.
"They won't Edmund." Peter said.
Edmund didn't say anything, he just sighed, biting his lip gently.
"Ed look." Peter sighed. "I know your worried, but you don't need to be, Jadis isn't coming back. She's dead."
"Yeah well." Edmund said. "That's what I thought the first time, and the second time, and last week!"
Peter sighed. "Edmund, how can Jadis come back?" He asked. "What does she need?"
Edmund stared at him for moment. "One drop of Adam's blood." He mumbled.
"Her wand." Edmund sighed.
"And do her followers have either of them?" Peter asked.
Edmund shook his head. "No." He whispered.
"So if they don't have them." Peter said. "Then she can't come back."
Edmund nodded slowly. "Alright." He mumbled.
Peter smiled slightly, nodding at his brother. "Now, let's go let the guards know, and also Orious."


"You not eating?" Peter asked his brother as he watched him push his dinner around his plate.
Edmund only shrugged, not saying anything to answer Peter.
"At least eat something Edmund." Susan said.
Edmund sighed. "I'm - I'm not hungry." He mumbled before standing from his chair and leaving the room.
Peter bit his lip before going after him, ignoring when Susan placed a hand on his shoulder.
He found Edmund sat outside on the balcony, eyes closed.
"Edmund?" Peter said.
Edmund opened his eyes. "I said I'm not hungry." He said.
"I know that's not the reason you're acting all quiet." Peter said, kneeling beside Edmund.
Edmund sighed. "You're the one that's always saying I'm the quiet one." He mumbled.
"Maybe." Peter said. "But you're never usually this quiet."
"I'm - I'm just tired." Edmund mumbled. "And - And a little worried." He added in barely more than a whisper.
Peter sighed. "You don't need to be worried." He said. "The wand is being watched as we speak."
Edmund sighed. "I know." He mumbled. "But I just can't help but worry, not after everything that's happened."
"I understand." Peter nodded.  "How about we just go and check on the wand?" He suggested. "It might make you feel better to see that someone's watching it."
"I suppose it's worth a try." Edmund shrugged.
"Come on then." Peter smiled, helping Edmund to his feet.
The two walked to the room where they found two fauns stood outside.
"See, it's being guarded on the outside and-" They reached the door and Peter asked for the fauns to open the door. "On the inside." He said as the two stepped inside.
But as soon as they did Edmund's eyes went wide, as did Peter's.
There was another faun inside, but on the floor, out cold with a large gash on his head.
And to Edmund's horror, Jadis' wand was gone.


Stronger || The Chronicles Of Narnia Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora