The duel

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"Edmund please don't do it." Peter said, his eyes going wide. "She'll kill you!"
"I - I cant let her kill you Peter." Edmund choked.
"Ed please." Peter begged. "I can't let you do this."
Edmund swallowed hard, but there was no way he was going back on his decision, not with what Jadis had told him. "I - I have to do this Peter." He mumbled.
"Edmund please!" Peter nearly shouted.
Jadis rolled her eyes. "He's made his decision and there's no going back." She whispered into Peter's ear before dragging him over to the nearest tree.
She grabbed a piece of rope from one of the minotaurs and tied Peter's hand tightly in front of him. Peter struggled at first but stopped when Jadis leaned forward and whispered: "If you don't stop struggling I'll make your brother's death as painful and slow as I possibly can."
Peter stared at her as she pulled the knots tight before she lifted his arms above his head and tied the other end of the rope extremely tightly to a thick branch above him. "You're not going anywhere." The witch smirked, before turning away from Peter to face Edmund.
Edmund was visibly shaking as he struggled to stay standing, holding his sword tightly in his hand.
"I hope you've said goodbye." Jadis laughed. "Because within the next hour, you'll be dead."
Edmund took a deep breath. "Not if I kill you first." He said, his voice cracking.
"It won't happen." Jadis laughed, the minotaur holding out her sword which she slowly took.
"You underestimate him." Peter said, his voice tight but he tried to sound positive.
Jadis let out a laugh.
"You've done it before." Peter said.
Jadis' smile vanished only to be replaced with a scowl. "There's one thing you should know about me." She said, turning to face Peter. "Is that I never make the same mistake twice."
Peter took a deep breath as the witch turned back to Edmund, who looked as though he might throw up. 
"This battle is to the death." Jadis spat, holding her sword tightly in her hand, before he minotaur handed her another one.
Peter's eyes went wide. "How's that fair?!" He exclaimed.
Jadis smirked. "It's not." She said. "But then again, I dont exactly like playing fair."
Peter swallowed hard, glancing at his brother, who was staring at the witch with nothing but fear in his eyes.
Peter struggled to untie his hands but the knots were way too tight, so all he could do was watch as the witch took a step towards his brother.
Edmund took a deep breath as he staggered away from the river, getting a smirk from Jadis as she turned direction to walk closer to him.
Edmund stood frozen to the spot until Jadis was only a step away from him, staring down at him with an evil smirk on her face.
Without warning Jadis raised one of her swords and brought it crashing towards Edmund's head.
Edmund's eyes went wide as he quickly took a step back, bringing up his own sword as fast as he could.
The two swords crashed together, the force itself causing Edmund to stagger backwards and fall onto the floor.
The witch only laughed, waiting for him to get up, glaring at him.
Edmund slowly climbed to his feet again, and no sooner was he standing did Jadis bring one of her swords down again.
Edmund jumped to his left onto the floor to avoid her sword, groaning in pain as he hit the ground.
Peter swallowed hard as he watched, glancing at the two minotaurs, the hag and the dwarf who stood watching with smirks spread across their faces.
Turning back to Edmund he saw him slowly climbing back to his feet, squeezing his eyes shut for the briefest of seconds.
Jadis walked towards him, raising both her swords and bringing them down at the same time.
Peter saw Edmund's eyes go wide as he held his sword up above his head, holding his breath.
The force of Jadis' swords crashing into his own actually caused Edmund to let out a cry of pain and stagger back until his back hit a tree. Edmund's eyes went wide as pain shot down his back.
Jadis smirked. "Those whip lashes causing you a bit of trouble?" She mocked.
Edmund took a deep breath, forcing himself to stay standing even though his legs were shaking. You can do this he told himself, standing up straight and taking a step towards the witch.
Peter held his breath as he watched Jadis raise her sword. Edmund's eyes followed that sword, but he failed to see  her other sword.
Peter's eyes went wide and he tried to warn him, but it was too late. Jadis darted forward and sliced her other sword across Edmund's leg, causing him to let out a scream and collapse to the floor.
"Ed!" Peter shouted, his eyes wide as he saw the fairly deep cut going across his brothers leg, bleeding quite a bit.
Edmund's eyes squeezed shut and he gripped his leg, gasping as he tried to keep his breathing even.
Jadis smirked down at him. "Are you gonna get up?" She said. "Or is this the part where I kill you?"
Edmund slowly opened his eyes and looked down at his leg, cringing at the large, deep cut going across his thigh. He swallowed hard, trying not to be sick as he saw the blood that covered his hands and that was slowly seeping into his trousers.
"Well?" Jadis laughed.
Peter had tears rolling down his cheeks as he watched as Edmund slowly pushed himself to his feet, letting out a whimper of pain as he leant against the nearest tree.
"Hmm." Jadis said. "Maybe you are stronger than I thought you were."
Edmund slowly looked up at her as she walked back over to him. Edmund let out a sound of fear and raised his sword.
Jadis laughed and smashed her sword into his, causing it to fly out of his hand and land over by the river.
"Please don't!" Peter was already shouting.
Edmund glanced at Peter before looking back up at the witch. He slowly shook his head as he leant back against the tree. "Please don't." He choked, trembling.
Jadis laughed. "I suppose this it it." She said.
"No Ed!" Peter screamed, trying his hardest to untie the rope that bound his wrists together.
"Please." Edmund choked again.
Jadis smirked. "Just think about it this way." She said. "By fighting me you saved your brother's life." She paused as she watched Edmund look down at the floor. "But - you lost your own." And with that she brought her sword forward...

Gosh, me and cliffhangers! I apologise in advance people!!! 😂😂😫😫

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