A Thousand Little Cuts

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Klaus just smiled down at her "Well given that the White Oak Stake is our family's possession again, I'm not too worried. If he kills Damon in a murderous surge, I will not be bothered."

Right now, Buffy wouldn't be bothered if Damon died either.

She was so pissed off.

She had gone off to save Elena, Caroline, and his damn brother, but the second she turned her back he did the one thing she told him not to.

Damon was lucky she hadn't killed him on sight.

"Plus, love would you really condemn Matthew to death?"

Buffy and Jeremy both tensed up sharing a quick panicked glance.

They really didn't like the path this was taking.

What the hell had Klaus done now!?

"What did you do?!" She growled out as she started pushing Jeremy and Matt toward the exit.

Klaus smiled innocently before focusing on Jeremy "If your conscience Jeremy is getting in the way, then allow me to make this easy for you. I can compel them. So, Matt or the vampires? Your choice, but just a warning they will not stop."

Buffy's eyes widened as she spotted a woman walking around the bar feeding everyone blood. They were running out of time and she had a feeling this wasn't going to be pretty.

They needed to move now.

"Matt run now!"

Matt gulped, he really hated being bait.

"Dammit." He hissed before legging it out the door while Buffy picked up the stake Jeremy had dropped and pushed him towards the door "Go now!"

As Jeremy legged it out the door after Matt, Buffy glared at Damon, her eyes flashing with murder the longer she stared at him "And you wonder why I don't trust you." She hissed before moving to follow the boys only for Klaus to block her path.

"Sorry, love you are staying with me."

Damon turned to Klaus in annoyance "This isn't what we agreed. He can't take them out all at once."

"With you helping, I'm sure you'll be fine. Buffy will stay with me, precious cargo and-"

A crack.

Klaus's neck snapped to the side in a second before his temporarily dead body hit the ground with a thud.

Damon's eyes widened and he quickly raised his hands in surrender as Buffy turned her furious gaze on him, full demon eyes and vine-like veins on display around her cheekbones. Given she had just snapped Klaus's neck without hesitation, he wasn't willing to risk further pissing her off.

Unlike Klaus, who was literally the father of her child, he didn't exactly have a bargaining card to play right now.

"I didn't know he would make Matt bait!"

Buffy just narrowed her gaze at Damon "You are helping me or you're next!"


"I'm gonna kill you." Buffy hissed as she and Damon ran through the forest trying to track down Matt and Jeremy.

"It was supposed to be simple!"

Buffy rolled her eyes at his excuse, he couldn't seriously think this was a great idea. She had told him it was a shit idea before she went to save Elena from Caleb. Something she was kind of regretting doing now, given that Damon had jumped at the first chance to get his own way the second she was gone.

Honestly, she wanted to kill him right now.

Or serve him up for Jeremy.

That was her level of pissed right now.

Damon sighed only to spot a vampire launching at Buffy from the side.

Before he could do a thing Buffy had already turned and staked the vampire in the heart before taking off in a run again, not the least bit fazed by the vampire jump scare. Quickly rushing after her, Damon flinched as he spotted her pull her sword out and literally cut another vampire in half before ducking as a second rushed at her.

Speeding up behind the vampire, Damon quickly tore her heart out, letting her body hit the ground just as Buffy started scanning the almost pitch-black forest.

Closing her eyes, Buffy focused on the sounds around her, trying to hear out for panicked human breath and a pounding heartbeat that would belong to Matt.

Zeroing in on the echo of Matt gasping through the trees a little bit ahead of her, Buffy quickly launched her sword through the air, causing the vampire that had been about to rush at Damon to go flying, the sword pinning its body up against a nearby tree.

By the throat.

Slowly its newly decapitated head slid into the mud, the body following not a second later.

Given how brutal all of her attacks had been so far, Damon quirked a brow "What's with the rage Bubbles?"

Something was up with her, she wasn't even quipping any snarky comments before she killed the vampires.

She was serious and stoic.

It was eery and un-Buffy-like.

Something had to have happened before she had shown up at the bar.

"This is a normal amount of rage given everyone in my life is an idiot!" She snapped before rushing forward again only to tense up, both her and Damon coming to a halt as a familiar scent filled their nostrils.


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