Reaction to Misery

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I wrote this for a school contest and got second place! The competition must have been shit though as this is directionless and has no concrete ending.

I won what was equivalent to one US dollar and a book about writing which I use for a paper weight.


The future looked bleak. A catastrophe of catastrophic proportions had hit Megacity City and the citizens, even if no one said it aloud, agreed that their future was bleak.

And because half of the people were so sad, the other half started to get annoyed about it. It wasn't any of their fault that robots suddenly started raining from the sky, it wasn't their fault that they started tearing up houses with laser swords and it certainly wasn't their fault that when all the robots all simultaneously deactivated they were hard wired to self-destruct causing further damage.

Weren't the superheroes suppose to keep stuff like this from happening? It's their job to stop the disaster before they happened right? The citizens weren't any member of the causation of this and they couldn't think of any reason why they were been targeted by its affects. They were the victim and, a fun fact about life, people don't like to be the victim.

People were rioting in the streets. Windows were smashed with bricks that people somehow found in a city full of concrete buildings, small easily overturned cars were overturned and people were shoplifting anything they could lift.

Standard stuff really, most people who joined in had a vague idea of what a riot was suppose to look like, a lot of people were already whipping out the spray paint cans to make some needless vandalism and add some much needed color to the riot. A few of the more entrepreneuring types had matches in their hands debating among themselves whether to make a big bonfire or just set a building on fire. The debate was slow but it wouldn't be long before they settled on something.

Yet two streets to the left of where the heart of the riot was happening a girl of seventeen with short brown hair was shuffling away from it all with dead eyes. Even if all the citizens futures were bleak at least they had a future. Ally Aints future crashed and burned with all the robots.

Who was she? Maybe she had a family or at least the semblance of one, maybe she was the great granddaughter of a famous heroin that got lost to the dark side and maybe if she was just a bit more awake in the past she wouldn't have been here in this predicament. None of it mattered anyway, her past had also crashed three feet from where her future had landed and if you were a citizen of Megacity city all that mattered to you was that she had been a member of the causation of the catastrophe. She wasn't thinking of that of course, she wasn't really thinking of anything. All she had left was the present, and to be frank, the present sucked.

She was a cyborg or she used to be a cyborg. The word cyborg makes us picture in our mind a super human with half or the majority of his body being made of some unexplainable futuristic technology that can turn itself into a gun that shoots lasers. She had been a cyborg her left arm and left leg had been made of unexplainable futuristic technology that she made herself but her was no better than a stick as the knee and ankle had jammed themselves and all that was left of her arm was a few bits of wire that she clutch to herself.

And the worst part? She couldn't turn her arm and leg into a gun to defend herself anymore. Some people had seen her fall down with the robots, they knew she was a part of this somehow.
"I SAW HER COME THIS WAY!" A voice behind her shouted. Ally shuffled faster.


On the opposite side of where the heart of the riot was another future was about to rise. Gist Gaffer, a short boy of fifteen with black hair, was in the middle of robbing a bank. He was what was called a problem child, with his parents in prison he had bounced from aunt to uncle to gramma and grampa and back to the police. No one wanted him and he wanted no one, sadly that wasn't a good enough backstory to gain sympathy from the cop that were pointing a gun at him.

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