The Loudest Hero (Loud House evolution)

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This might have another name in the future as I realized that another fic also named The Loudest Hero exists.

The very first attempt (if you don't count the other chapter in this First Chapters collection) of this is lost as I wrote over it instead of making a new file. In it we start with Ace Savvy fighting an invisible villain before I got a comment that called it unoriginal and decided that I should add the monster spin in the first few chapters instead of opening with a random fight.
Royal Woods used to be a little bubble of Americana that had preserved what the ideal western town should be. Its streets were clean, its citizens were peaceful, and the biggest building was a community mall that was just good enough to satisfy the teenager populations lust for something new. In other words it was the perfect little puddle to test a budding concept and see just how much it would break a setting.

The bubble had been deliberately burst and though the plans had been made public for a while it will always be jarring when a floating island is pushed on top your towns center overnight.

From afar it looked like a multicolored mushroom with a collection of slime green tubes holding down the flying saucer as well as being the main form of transportation to get to it. On the island was a school accommodating for all levels and interests with top of the line equipment. It wasn't just the definitive palace of learning but was also a shower of charity that promised scholarships to the brilliant, strong, and lucky.

For some these first two traits came naturally and the latter was the real problem. Backed bumper to bumper, a traffic jam had spawned on the town roads. The honk of horns, shouts of frustration, smoke from purring engines could make any head spin. And that was without the passengers complaining to you.

"Come on Lori!"

"We can't miss the entrance exams!"

"It's literally just around the corner!"

"Guys, we've literally got all day just calm down."

This came from one of the loudest and biggest car. A beat up baby blue van who's eleven riders were riled up with this unexpected delay.

"We need to get there NOW! What if we miss the sign-up window for the hero scholarships!" This came from one of the more athletic sisters as she kicked the divers seat, desperation creeping into her voice.

"That doesn't close until sunset," an annoyed Lori Loud, the driver, replied through gritted teeth as she softly banged her head on the steering wheel. "And if anything happens to you before we get there I'M going to be the one to take the blame."

She glanced at the phone on her hand and she groaned finding out that it was almost eight a.m.

"Really Lori what do you think is out there that'll get us? Those rumored monsters that appear out of nowhere? You worry to much," said another who stretched basking in her chairs sun.

"It's not about getting there," explained a one, standing on the leather to make herself more seen.

"It's about making an impression," her twin finished following the other lead.

Lori pressed her face to the horn and growled under her breath, "We'll get there when we get there."

As a cascade of complaints fell on to the driver after this last statement a comfortable blanket of chaos covered the scene as Lincoln, the only boy in the group, thought about the future

He was silent but it didn't come of apathy or anger but from two reasons.

The first, was that he didn't have much to add to the complaints as his scholarship had been secured in a random raffle from the back of an Ace Savvy comic.

And second, arguably more important, was that a determination had crystallized into a core part of his character while he had been sitting the car for the past ten minutes.

The boy felt like he had something to prove and this was the stage that he'd do it on. For to long had he been in his sisters shadow, doing menial tasks like a mere lackey, as if he didn't have other stuff to do. No more! This was a new chapter in his life and one way or another he would be known.


Beside Lincoln was Luna Loud who was also silent but this came from an indifference to the chaos. She had been a part of the crazy for so long that it was the new mundane. Earphones plugged in, her eyes wandered the car for anything to look at and when they rested on Lincoln a curious thought entered her mind.

With white hair and eyes scrunched up in serious concentration as he stared at nothing in particular while he hugged his backpack, her brother looked very much like one of the brooding super villains that got featured on TV.


As the exasperation and noise in the car grew more charged by the second Lincoln glanced at Luan, who met his eyes with a bored expression, and got a bright idea.

His eyes lit up and he waved a hand to wake her up from a stupor. She raised an eyebrow and Lincoln pointed at her music player mimicking an action. Luan was lost for a quick second before getting the message and smiling at her brother idea.

Unplugging her earphones from the player distorted heavy metal blasted through the devices tiny speakers and into everyone's ears. The constant honking, the smell of smoke, the complaining behind her, and now a deliberate addition it all broke the camel's back. Lori pressed a finger onto the unlock button.

A silence drift over everyone at the small click it made. "Get out," she whispered.

When no one moved, she turned and roared, "NOW!" Waving her phone, now glowing bright blue, at the passenger seats. The vans sliding door opened and nine siblings scrambled out like their life depended on it.

Lori was shaking as she strangled the steering wheel before she noticed that one of her sisters was still inside. The eldest steadied her breath and rubbed her eyes, asking with impatient patience, "Why are you still here Leni?"

"Oh, I'm like totally immune to your power. It's like, I've been around you for years and-"

"No Leni, I mean why are you in the car?"

"Oh that! I'm not about to leave my sister in a time of need am I," the blonde said with a smile. "That would be like so out of character."

Lori closed her eyes and sighed. "Thanks."

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