Hidden Heroes (1st attempt)

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1st attempt at a superhero story. This is baaaaaad.

Simply Bored


Bored. Simply bored. Is the one perfect word I can use to describe my situation right now.

My name is Dimitri Sunlight and as far as G city is concerned right now I'm just a worker at a bad bakery.

Ive been sitting here since nine in the morning and not a single person has bought even a crum of bread.

But I suppose that happens when a well known (and hated) villain is the one owning the franchise.

But still, the bakery is in one of the most busy streets in G city right next to the Coco skyscraper and directly in front of EBE bank, both filled with hundreds of workers, and its also eleven, youd think one of them would buy a loaf of bread.

As I ponder all this out of boredom, I notice a pair of bright green and dark purple spandex fall out of the sky and enter the bank.

Super villains.

It isnt unusual for a bank to be robbed in G city, after all the city is infested with people who have super powers.

But why would they rob now? Its the rush hour, robberies usually happen at dawn or at night when theres little to no people around to be witnesses. I should know Ive been in some.


Not that I'm complaining, at least something interesting is happening to distract me from the monotony, a super hero will probably swoop down and knock them out before anything bad happens.

And as if on cue a super with bright white hair lands outside the bank just as some police cars arrive.

An officer with a megaphone steps out of one of the police cars and nods at the super then he faces the bank and speaks through the mega phone.

"We have you surrounded! Come quietly and no one gets hurt!"

"The hell we will!"The super in dark purple shouts as he nears the glass doors of the bank to show that he has a hostage.

The officers starts to debate on what to do and the white haired super seems to be observing the situation. Ive never seen her before probably new to the whole super hero thing.

Well, I suppose its show time.

I could probably beat the dudes if I try hard enough and besides the boredom of sitting here would probably kill me in more minutes, Oh and I suppose there is the hostages thing.

As I stand up I look under my chair to see if the shadow under it is dark enough.


As a super myself I have the peculiar ability to teleport from shadows. I dont really know much of the specifics about it. Youd think the first thing youd do after you discovered you have powers is to study and learn about them as much as you can.

Yeeeaaaaaah, not me. All I know is if there's a shadow and the shadow is dark enough I can teleport through it and while I'm teleporting, it is really cold, like freezing cold, but since I use it all the time it doesnt really bother me anymore.

I stick my hand in the shadow and feel the familiar freezing sensation on my hand. I concentrate on the bed, in my apartment and touch around for my costume, as I finally find the costume I pull it through the portal.

Its nothing special, just a black cape with gold outlining, but its all I need. Another perk of having powers is that I can turn semi transparent in shadows, not enough to turn me invisible but enough so you cant see any of my features, which is very handy when your kinda sorta a supervillain as a hobby.

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