Cally and the world of This

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This is what I'll work on after The Boom House. Not sure what the actual gender of the main character is though.


The Arrow Pointing to This

It was a nice day. Specifically it was a nice afternoon on the last day of summer. The sun was high, the sky was cloudy, and Calie Wordsmith was reading a book with her knees close to her chest and her head resting on them with the book being proped up on a pillow facing away from the window. She wasnt really reading, no, her mind was into much of clutter for that. Tomorrow was suppose to be her first day of 7th grade, and she wasnt excited in the slightest.

And as with many of the great problems in life, this was not the cause of one problem but a collection of different problems that accumulate to create an illusion of a big problem. But to avoid is much easier than to face and so she read on. Eventually when she had read a sentence for the eleventh time her mother stepped into her room.

Yes, at a glance you would say that Calie and Ms.Wordsworth were sisters as it seemed that age was the only difference, they both had bronze skin, brown eyes and short hair like autumn leaves. Well that and Miss.Wordsworth was as out going as Calie was an introverted.

From a glance her mother instantly knew what was on her mind or rather what wasnt on her mind.

"Calie," her mother said with a warm smile. "Its a nice day, why dont you go and out side." Calie was never one to go outside and her mother knew this well, but that doent mean she wasnt going to try.

The girl look up at her mother and sighed knowing full well her intentions and that she wouldnt stop until she complied, she put down her book, stood up, put on a jacket, passed an empty room, and walked outside.

She could her mother saying after her "You could use the exercise!" In a cheery tone. She didnt stop walking until reached the park a few blocks away from their house.

Words formed in her head with no apparent consistency ,old school ,be better, new school ,be smarter, music, be faster. There were only a few people in the park but even that was distracting, she had to get somewhere quite somewhere she can be alone with her self.

She went over to the chain link fence that separated the park from a forest preservation. She hopped up and over. The few people there weren't paying her any attention, and even if they had Calie was to wrapped up in her thoughts that she was beyond caring what they thought.

The reservation is part of a large forest at the foot of the mountain, locally know as the Forest of Magic odd sounds and lights could sometimes be seen by passersby, though none could really confirm these sightings as there has never been more than a little gossip about them.

But none of this mattered to Calie as she landed on the hard ground, she started wlking for what felt like an hour eventually the sounds of the park faded behind her and she found a tree stump in the middle of the forest to sit on.

The year before she hadnt made many freinds, she wasnt in any major club, or really any school activity. When she looked back to that year she had been horrified.

Was that really all there was to her, that wasnt true wasnt it? He had hobbies didnt she? She read books, she excercised, she liked surfing the web. So why hadnt anything special, anything cool happened? Why wasnt she noticed?

She didnt want to just be a background character simply there to fill in some space. No, she wanted to be more, she wanted to be in the lime light like all the heroes and heroins in the novels she read.

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