Loud House Superhero Fanfiction

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The Loud House Like Never Before:
Prophetic Nonsense

This does not live up to my standards in writing.
So for now it sits here.
Royal Woods University was a shiny new school smack dab in the middle of Royal Woods the not really city, city. With buildings for every subject and grade level, a private garden, forest and lake for underwater events, it was easily a fourth the size of the entire city.

This wasn't a problem though as it was floating a few miles above the actually town with some lights under it that gave off a brightness similar to that of the surrounding sunlight, so there wasn't a huge circular shadow over the city.

What was a problem though was the fact that to actually get up to the school you had to use either an elevator that was amazingly slow or a teleporter that made you dizzy. The teleporter wasn't that bad but there was only one of it which guaranteed a long line that apparently extended onto the road.

"Come on Lori!"

"We can walk!"

"It's literally just a few blocks away!"

The last one came from Lincoln Loud who was annoyed with the fact that they were stuck in a traffic jam ten blocks away from the Royal Woods University teleporter and it was the first day of school, annoyed enough even to use the word literally unironicly.

The second one came from the two blonde twin kindergarteners who made it into a chant and were possibly more annoying than the honking frozen congga-line of cars.

I could probably bounce us up to it if you dudes want, this came from Luna and was heard by everyone thanks to the purple and white speakers at the side of her neck that she used to talk.

"Fine," Lori conceded, the eldest sister who was at the steering wheel and had been listening to them for about five minutes."You guys wanna walk and chance messing up your uniforms that's literally ok with me."

"You don't have faith in us Lori," Lynn said, standing on her seat so that she could be seen. "If a meteor were to fall on us I could punch it away." She added giving the air a good one two and almost hitting her older sister Luan.

"If an angry orchestra came and started trumpeting at us I could just pick each of us up and run away," stated Luan with a slightly smug smile directed at Luna.

You so cannot out run the speed of sound dude, Luna said unimpressed. Faster than a speeding bullet does not translate to faster than awesomeness.

"Actually in some case's that could be true," Lisa said in a snarky voice while pushing up her glasses.

"Can we just get on with it," Lucy inserted in a monotonous tone. "Leni's getting annoying and Lilys chewing on my arm."

"I already said fine!" Said Lori with gritted teeth. "Get out and walk if you want, and Leni, please stop chanting with the twins."

Leni stopped saying 'we can walk' and with a confused look said, "I thought we all agreed to chant?"

"Get out!" Lori said for the final time toning her voice with the a bit of a command that sent everyone except Leni scattering out of the car.

"Why are you still here Leni?" Lori asked with impatient patience.

"Oh, I'm like totally immune to your power. It's like, I've been around you for years and-"

"No Leni, I mean why are you in the car?"

"Oh that! I'm not about to leave my sister in a time of need am I," the blonde said with a smile. "That would be like so out of character."

The eldest sister closed her eyes and sighed a sigh of deflation.
"Thanks," She said.

Outside the car however the other nine siblings were now on the sidewalk surrounded by cars honking at each other and were under attack by exhaust fumes. Naturally the eldest took the responsibility of being in charge.

Okay dudes so here's the plan, Luna started turning the volume of her speaker up so that she could be heard over the ruckus.

"No!" Lola said.

"Seconded no!" Lana seconded.

"If your going to be as slow as Lori we might as well do our own thing," Lola said holding her head high.

"Hold on a second guys! Give Luna a cha-" Luan said before being cut of by Lisa.

"Technically our scintillate sister has a point, the older we get the more inefficient we become."

Wait a minute dudes! Was all Luna got out before Lynn said, "Last one to the school is a rotten egg!" And dashed off to back-flip over the cars.

Don't just run away dudes! The extremely worried rocker said.

"To infinity and beyond!" The twins shouted. Lana dissolved herself into a tsunami of mud and Lola crystallized herself into a pink diamond statue while striking a pose. Tsunami Lana swept up statu-a-fied Lola and rushed into the general direction of the school.

"Can someone get the baby," Lucy said in a voice that would have made proud every math teacher. "I need to catch up with Lynn."

"Affirmative," Lisa material a green basket from her mind and snatch Lily up and into it, from a certain perspective it looked a lot like a green lantern conjure. As Lilly touched the conjure it wiggled a little then was flooded with color making it real and not a conjure anymore with Lisa still holding it with her mind.

"Thanks," Lucy said before dispersing into a swarm of bats following Lynn.

"Fare well siblings. I will deposit Lily into the school nursery and be on my way."

Engulfing herself and the basket Lily was in, Lisa floated directly to the school leaving a green mist trail behind them.

"I suppose we can't just beat them to the chase, so lets use some of yours to win!" Luan said to Luna with a smile. "Get it?"

I get it dude, the rocker with said. Lets do this.

Cupping her hands to her mouth she started beat boxing a light tune out of her speaker. Cupping her hands didn't really do any things since she was dumb and no spit would come flying out of her mouth but it did look cool.

"Wait a minute!" Lincoln said to get the two remaining sister's attention. "I don't have any way to get there fast."

"Don't worry Linc," Luan said. "Even if your a rotten egg, you'll still be our brother. Don't break an egg while getting there." The joker then picked up the now light Luna, who was floating a few inches of the ground thanks to her beat boxing, and dashed off into the distance.

"That's not even a pun," Lincoln said stomping a foot at the dust trail where her sisters had been. For a minute Lincoln waited around, not quite sure what to do, waiting for some amazing thing to happen and sweep him of his feet.

With a sigh he started walking the ten blocks to the teleporter. Not even getting five feet away he stepped on a purple rock was transported into the purple rock without much pizzazz.

Inside the rock was a little pocket dimension that looked exactly like the street it was placed on, except that every color was a shade of purple, there were no cars or passersby, a crystal wall stopped everyone from going more than two blocks away from the rock and a big picture of Ronnie Anne was on one wall with the captions, "YOU JUST GOT PANKED!!!" with a timer next to it that presumably said how long till they could escape, which, if it was correct, would be two hours from then.

Quite a few people got pranked, around thirty of them were sitting in various places around the street manipulation their phones and occasionally checking the timer on the wall, everyone from policemen to clowns were here. Lincoln closed his eyes. Then he silently cursed Ronnie Anne and prayed that something good would come out of this.

"Uh Lincoln? What are you doing?" A familiar voice asked.

When he opened his eyes Clyde, his best friend with brown skin, was standing in front of him with a questioning look.

"I was going to be late alone Clyde," Lincoln said with a little smile. "But your here to change that, what do you wanna do?"

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