26† Deliver Unto Evil

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"Looks like we are in a major predicament. Both our hands and tongues are tied here." Taking another sip of her tea, she called for Sister Kate.

"Yes? How may I be of assistance?"

"We are going to complete the mission with getting to my brother. It is our first chance to get out of this trouble. Make sure Hugue stays with Mary."

"I certainly will." Kate disappeared once she finished speaking.

Abel sat up trying to sift through his pockets, "Permission to be excused?"

Looking up, Caterina nodded, "For now. But please remember to be outside so you can help me up to the balcony window. We will be heading over soon."

"Of course. I won't miss it. I have to make sure Eden gets out of that torture. Again."

Some of the men in the room looked up at Abel with a confused expression, but William was the first to speak, "What do you mean, 'again,' Abel?" He took his turn to face him. "We haven't been told enough yet about this, 'Eden.' What do we need to know about our potential partner?"

"There's almost too much to tell in such a short time. Not to mention... It isn't my story to tell anyways. There's missing parts that I do not know about. That's just how she is. Her problems don't matter as much as others' do. I know she's got a good heart deep down within the cold dark shell."

Caterina looked to Abel, "I'll fill them in as much as I can. You go do what you need to do."

With a nod, Abel left the room clutching his stomach. He ran for the bathroom only to barely make it inside before he grabbed a trash can. Loud coughing was heard from outside as Abel hacked up his lungs and threw up. Abel squatted on the floor then landed on his hands and knees. He punched repeatedly at the floor angrily before throwing up once more. "Dammit this is ridiculous! I can't do much to help anyone anymore!" His mind raced over the words in the diary he read all night after finding them. His gut churned even more, the thought of what Eden had gone through, but still chose to hide her past as her own cross to bear alone. "She was just a child..."

Stirring in the bed, Mary searched her surroundings carefully. Her hazel blue eyes fell on a familiar hooded figure slouched in the corner. "E! Eden you came f-" She stopped speaking, her eyes growing wide. "N-no. You're that Father from before. Hugue de Watteau." She tugged at her restraints, realizing she was bound in the bed by being cuffed at her hands and ankles plus straps holding down her forearms, thighs, and torso. Tugging more at them let her realize she was healing from the gunshots, and slowly at that. Mary's eyes saddened once Hugue looked up to her.

He shifted in the seat, getting a better look at her, "Tres is outside the door monitoring anything that happens to me. He won't be affected by your powers... Anyways, why did you lie to me? I'm not fond of that virtue."

Staying silent was the only option she could think of at the moment. With one last tug, she looked away from Hugue and faced the window.

"If you don't want to talk right now, that's fine. But at some point I'd like an answer." Hugue shifted in the seat once more and leaned back into the chair holding his weapon tightly to his chest.

"I wasn't meaning to hurt you or your feelings. I just wanted to never come back here." Mary focused on the window as she closed her eyes once again. "Forgive me Father. I really am sorry. Just some people need to pay for their crimes against my family. And this church won't be an exception."

Hugue watched Mary as she winced from her wounds, "Try not to move too much. They took out the four bullets but they still need to heal. Get your rest now. We can talk about this later, I'm not going anywhere."

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