"You were going to have a child?" Alessandro kept his eyes fixated on Eden, every movement she made, he watched. She was sincerely a lost and grieving mother over anything else that she claimed herself to be. "What was the baby? Did they have a name?"

The sadness returned, Eden's eyes stung as the blood started to trickle from her eyes. With a smile, Eden shifted her body closer to his, "I never got to know the majority of the children I was going to have. I don't know if they were going to be a girl... Or a boy. We never had any names picked out because we didn't know if we were going to become parents at the time. It was a long time of trying and he had given up on me a few times. We had some anger issues to work out before we wanted to bring an innocent child into this dangerous world... I had hoped there would be more love between us. But I'm not sure how much it really was compared to being a science experiment on several occasions. My body always rejected my children after certain things happened to me. I just couldn't protect all the children..." Eden's voice made a deafening crack in the room of people. Pain was her companion through all the years. Tears her second best friend and company, "The only child I had finally given birth to died after he was born. He should be just a few years older than you. I don't have a name for him. I don't know if I can name him either."

"And what would you want to name him?" Alessandro looked into Eden's eyes, now interested in her sudden opening up to him.

Eden froze as her body stopped moving to think more. She looked upwards to the statue and gave a longing smile deep in thought, "I'd have to say I would've named him Enoch. The first born son of Cain. The father of Methuselah." Eden's eyes wandered, her heart heavy with many emotions, but they still followed Abel's soft blue eyes. His face showed the sorrow he felt for her, but also the disgust for who she spoke about.

Esther watched Abel hang his head low, but he also gripped the pocket fabric of his Priest's coat. Not wanting to make conversation, Abel turned his head away. "Eden..."

"Shut it, Abel. Don't you dare start blaming yourself. You weren't around or even had any knowledge of this. But, my job is done now." She smiled and pressed her forehead to the Pope's shoulder, almost breathing on his neck as she spoke, "I killed everyone on Earth who made it their duty to ruin my child and other mother's and children's lives..."

"What about the other one?" Abel felt a knot in his stomach.

"I won't be able to kill him. They are off destroying the world. It's not like they have been looking for me for the last nineteen years anyways. Maybe I wasn't anything worth saving after all."

"Everyone is worth saving..." Alec leaned his head at an angle to look at Eden a bit more clearly. When she looked away from him, he held her hand in his two smaller ones and stared at the noticeable crucifixion wounds.

"No. Not everyone is. But that is something no child should have to endure and find out at least before they are considered an adult. Any child that is forced to act on an adult's actions," Eden's voice darkened along with her eyes. Dipping into something that caused anger within her core. "And not allowed to live out their years as a developing child can not be forgiven."

"What acts are you talking about? War?" The Pope's innocence made Eden's gut churn with the thought of him being put through what she had gone through at a young age as he is, if not a few years younger.

"If you don't understand then I pray that you will never have to experience anything as traumatic as such." Those motherly soft eyes pleading almost.

"Then, I will wait for the day I know enough to take the pain away that I see in you now." Alessandro held onto Eden's wrist, the second his fingers touched her scar she pulled away.

She looked up to Caterina, "I'll go willingly, but for the sake of your Church and the Legacy of the Vatican, do not put this in the papers. If he finds out..." Her eyes shifted, swelling with her bloody tears. "He will kill you all for housing me here. He's going to start a holy war that will end this dying planet. Killing everyone by any means necessary once he realizes where I am," Alessandro held his handkerchief up to her eyes, dabbing at her cheeks. "He won't do it my way... He hates humans enough to do it too..." Eden looked up to make sure everyone could see her, "He will wipe out a city in hopes to kill the one person he's looking for. It is why I had to come down here and kill them all first. These last two decades on this planet haven't helped either of us grieve..."

"The Lord has great plans for our Church and all who put their faith in it. You won't have to worry anymore. I trust in the Lord, as should you, Miss Eden." Alessandro flashed his warm hearted smile, something that warmed even the frozen of hearts.

Eden made her way to her feet, holding out a hand to the Pope to help him up, "You don't fully understand..." Eden turned away from Alessandro and pressed herself face to face with Petros, "I'll go with you now. But no chains, again." The chains around her all dropped to the ground as she clearly had escaped all of their locks even without a key, "I beg of you for that much decency in my original home." Sister Paula grasped one of Eden's forearms, in suspicion she was going to escape. Her heart sank knowing she might not be back out for months on end from the Inquisition's torture and interrorgationing. But, at least they might not be as humiliating as she was subject to when she was younger. And that was only if they didn't send her to the research labs for dissection or even to become a lab rat to the church as she once was to the people of Mars.

"I'll escort you to our meeting room. We will have to clean you up first, then we can chat about your time visiting us." Paula's softened voice kept Eden's nerves calmer than they would've been with Brother Petros and she followed alongside Paula down the corridors.

Caterina caught Francesco smiling at her, leaving a wicked impression on her even after he left with his Inquisition crew following Eden and Paula. Three men stayed with Petros as the rest of the group escorted His Holiness to his room every sentence from a different person. "Your Holiness, Sir, we must clean up the blood from your clothes." "The blood has for sure stained your pure white fabrics, Sir." "We will have to burn them to dispose of that hideous Vampire's blood." "I'm amazed she stabbed herself in order to kill that other Vampire."

Abel grunted slightly, rage filling his core as Petros talked about Eden to some of his members as if she was nothing but a blood stain in this life that could be removed. He turned away to face the worried Esther. She took his hand into hers to help calm him recognizing the same rage from Eden erupting inside his core. Caterina spoke first after the rest of the Inquisition left her sight, "I want her."

They all looked up confused, "M'Lady Caterina?" Abel pressed closer to his boss.

"Abel, you will come to my office right after we get the place back in order. I want to know everything you know about her. She will be a great addition to our team. Someone of that skill... She mustn't be wasted alongside the other Inquisition dogs." Caterina headed for her office, the rest of the people in the room stared at the floor before parting their ways. 

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