But I highly doubt that

We come to an abrupt stop right before we have to turn, Jongin having a strong hold on my arms to keep me from walking. I take this as a signal to look, peeping around I look left then right

My heart stops when I see the....thing lurking around the corridor with no place in mind, just wondering around minding its own business but I can't take any chances. With some thought I step out into the corridor only to be dragged back into a firm chest

"I can't let you do that." Jackson says before I can turn around, I stare up at him for a few seconds before rolling my eyes, knowing exactly what he meant

"I'm fine, let me go."

He hesitates for a second before letting me walk back out into the corridor, a look of pure fear lingering on his facial features. I turn on my heels quickly before the 'person' can notice us

As soon as my shoe makes a small squeak the thing is already charging at me full speed, considering how thin and 'dead' it is I'm surprised that it can move that fast. My heart hammers against my chest as I raise my weapon, taking a swing with every ounce of strength I have

Luckily the chair leg made contact with the things skull, a dark red and brown liquid with...chunks of what looks like brain goes flying across the lockers making a less then satisfying slap noise

Yet the thing only stumbles backwards, a large amount of its jaw missing. I can't help but cringe before kicking the back of its legs, the adrenaline rushing through me giving me the confidence to fight without a weapon

Without a second thought I grab whatever hair is left on the back of its skull and smash its head into the locker multiple times until the thing went limp


"Uh Hana, I think there's something coming." Rina calls out, her voice shaking with uncertainty as she glances back down the seemingly empty corridor. Before anyone can make a move a large group of these things come running around the corner full speed

"Everyone run now!" I shout, picking up my weapon and breaking into a sprint after seeing everyone running like their life depends on it

That's because their lives do depend on it

I make it to the staircase at the end of the hallway, making sure everyone runs down the stairs before me. Jongin leads the group down the stairs, the ones with weapons staying close to the back just in case the group of things decide they want to use their years in running track in high school on us

Suddenly a loud scream rings out against the screeching noise the things are making, I turn around so fast I'm afraid I'll have whiplash. It's like everything stops around me, the screeching, the movement, my legs

Just stop

I helplessly watch as one of those things claw at my best friend, her blood spilling onto her white blouse. Her once bright happy smile contorted into a silent scream that will haunt me forever

My heartbeat is the only thing thumping in my ears, the shouts of everyone around me sounding so far away

"Hana!! Stop!!" Jackson shouts after me, his own voice becoming scratchy and horse

"Stop! Go and save them!" Rina screams between her cries, one of the things already ripping into her shoulder. The blood curdling noise that comes from her small body shocking me back into reality, the tears streaming down my face making it hard for me to see

"Go! Please!"

I feel someone dragging me backwards so hard i begin to stumble over my own feet, my eyes never leaving the scene before me, Rina's screams continue to echo in my ears, the image of her being ripped apart burnt into my brain


I snap out of it and turn my head towards Jackson, his own eyes red and tearful, the ache in my heart only grows bigger when I see Lisa being carried by Jongin as she cries into his chest

Okay okay, get them out of here, that's what Rina wanted

"Just keep running...keep going." I manage say loud enough for everyone to hear. As soon as we leave the building I spot the large pickup parked in the staff only bay "over there!"

The dark haired guy who had claimed the pickup fishes his keys out of his pocket rather calmly before hoping into the drivers side, starting the large vehicle up in no time

I check everyone is with us before sliding into the back seat, my legs and hands feeling numb yet a little tingly, my face beginning to burn from the constant rubbing of tears. If only I had thought of a better plan

if only I could save her

To take my mind away from the image I take a glance around the inside of the pickup, the tall guy with black hair is sat in the passenger side, a soft yet very scared look plastered on his face. I can tell he's trying to hide it but the way he looks around every 5 seconds gives it away easily

Lisa and Jackson are beside me in the back seats, Lisa finding it hard to breathe while Jackson rubs her back in a comforting manner.

The rest of the group are in the back, all of them as silent as it gets. Not a peep comes from anyone as the driver pulls out of the parking lot and onto the streets of Seoul

"I'm Seokjin, this is Namjoon," the driver says, giving a soft smile through the rear view mirror. I try my best to return the gesture but my lip just quivers and returns back to its straight line between my teeth. The inside of the vehicle returns back to its tense quietness, the only noise being Jackson comforting Lisa quietly

After a few minutes of silence the window leading to the trunk of the pickup opens

"Hyung, you need to stop."

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