9th Tea part five

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How come akai makes such perfectly illustrative picture edits... I'm SO blessed!!! ❤❤❤

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"Where's Shen Wei?" was the first sentence that came out of Zhao Yunlan's mouth when he woke up in the guest room back in the temple.

The white paper walls gently dispersed candle light all around the room dimly but at first glance he could tell that the person next to him isn't his beloved.

The head-priest that sat by his side, changing the incense in the censer smiled slightly, nodding his shaved head. "He's gathering medicinal herbs to make a decoction for you. Thankfully, the poison on the dart had a magical base so your system was able to get rid of it fast. Your magical immunity truly is remarkable.

"Yeah, that's me..." Zhao Yunlan smiled bitterly.

"But had the dart hit Shen Wei, that would be a completely different problem," the head-priest commented and got up. "I will go tell him you are up. Please, don't strain your shoulder as it is not yet healed. I shall advise you to stay in bed for at least a week..."

"Sure, sure... don't worry, chief, I'll be a good-boy, alright," Zhao Yunlan mischievously winked. "Besides, I need to wait here for someone anyway. Might as well wait in bed."

The head-priest wasn't sure what to make of this statement but so far the Captain seemed like he might actually mean it.

Alone in the room, Zhao Yunlan lied back down on his bedding, making a pained grimace. His injured shoulder hurt like hell and he could feel his fever rising up. He couldn't take a look at how badly the wound looked, since it was carefully bandaged with some smelly ungment oozing through the cloth as he could see under his undershirt. Seriously, were they healing him or killing him? This incense, too... He seriously doubted every incense he's ever seen being lit around the hospital beds, his theory was that all the coughing patients cough from it anyway.

The door slid open and in hurried a worried looking Shen Wei, he was still in the same clothes as when they went for their secret mission. "Yunlan...!" he exclaimed, holding a cup of some steaming liquid.

"Hey, there you are, I was starting to get bored," Zhao Yunlan grinned, then winced in pain as he tried to sit up.

"Wait, drink this, it will make it hurt less," Shen Wei hurried to Yunlan's side, kneeling down and handing him the warm tea cup.

The Captain took the cup, smelling it, unsure of what it is he finally took a sip. "What's this, Shen Wei?"

"A poppy seed decoction."

Zhao Yunlan almost spat the liquid out. "Are you drugging me? YOU?!"

Shen Wei rolled his eyes. "Even poisons in the right amount can act as medicine, the same way medicinal herbs can hurt a person."

"And you're mentioning POISONS?!" Not like he never tried opium before, besides, on the battlefield it was widely used by the medics but he certainly never would have expected Shen Wei himself to serve him some.

"There was nothing else around for your wound, besides my healing magic can't help you," Shen Wei pouted slightly - an unusually adorable sight.

"Ah, Shen Wei-ah..." Yunlan propped himself up a little and then sneaked his right arm around Shen Wei's waist while resting head in his lap. "Want some of the drink as well?"

"Yunlan! You know best that wizzards cannot take mind-bending substances," Shen Wei reminded him, stroking his hair gently.

"Yeah, yeah... but Shen Wei is so pretty when he shines with all that magic..." Zhao Yunlan finished the rest of his drink, then let the effects of it and Shen Wei's caresses lull him back to sleep.

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