5th Tea part two

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Zhao Yunlan kept running breathlessly, mostly on just adrenalin now. Oh no, he's not gonna lose his wizzard now. Seeing flashes of pale light comming through amongst the trees, he knew he was reaching the right place. He readied his crossbow, listening to the strange inhuman sounds. He knew what these were... Rusalka is a vile nymph-like creature, targetting young men. Especially, on a fullmoon night such as this one, they would gather on the forrest glades, luring the naïve men in with their charms and beautiful singing, asking them to join their dance. Not mentioning anything about the dance being the last in the young mens' lives as they will dance them into exhaustion and then suck their souls dry. This is the moment his insensibility towards magic came in handy. For Captain Zhao the nymphs sounds were just weird funny screeches.

From approximate 10-meter distance, he finally recognised his Shen Wei, who's hand was just reaching for one of the nymphs. He loaded his crossbow in one move and shoot the creature's arm off of his handsome man. "This wizzard is mine, you fuckers.." he mumbled as he quickly drew and reloaded his crossbow, finishing the already bleeding creature with a clean headshot.

All hell broke lose, the nymphs went mad, breaking their dancing cycle, showing their sharp teeth, nails and mad pupilless eyes, screeching. Shen Wei crouched down, covering his ears. Even Zhao Yunlan grimaced at the violent cries comming out of the lucious lips of the murderous hungry soul-hunting beauties. But none of them were even close to the high pitch Zhu Hong could produce when she got mad, so he quickly gained composure again, drawing his saber and a combat dagger, jumping on the glade to get all the attention and fight to himself, so Shen Wei has more time to hopefully gather himself up and help him.

With two swings he cut down another nymph, feeling the knife-like claws of a third one slide down his shoulder covers, leaving marks in the leather.

Turning swiftly, Captain Zhao burried his saber in the nymph's stomach all the way to the hilt, throwing his combat knife at another mad beauty running at him.

Then, as he tried to get his saber out of the unmoving body, he heard a thumping noise right behind himself but no hit connected. Looking back over his right shoulder, he noticed a wall of blueish light separating him from the feroscious beastly women. His gaze quickly found the kneeling Shen Wei, holding one of his hands up, while the other clutched his amber necklace.

"Thanks!" He yelled at his wizzard, sliding the dead body off his sword, ready for attack just as Shen Wei's shield faded out.

Dodging the upcomming blows, dealing precise, well-trained master-level techniques he dealt with the nymphs one-by-one. Just as he started to sweat a little, looking over to Shen Wei to see what he's up to, he noticed the wizzard mumbling words, his hands pressed together as if in a prayer. Then Shen Wei knelt down on one knee, touching the ground, yelling at the Captain: "Get back!"

Zhao Yunlan doesn't wait for anything and quickly jumps back, just as the ground under his and his enemies' feet starts to crumble. The womens' attention turns to the young wizzard but it's too late to stop him as a huge crack appears, splitting the glade in two, swallowing the remaining evil fairies.

With drops of cold sweat on his forehead, Shen Wei braces himself on all fours, feeling drained. A second after he's being squeezed by firm arms of the equally exhausted Captain.

"Oh, Shen Wei! Are you okay? I'm so glad, I found you!" Holding Shen Wei as close to himself as possible.

Shen Wei is a bit surprised, at first, but soon returns the frantic embrace of the Captain. "I'm fine because you came. Thank you for saving me. I most likely need to work on controlling my sensitivity."

"Well, I don't mind you being sensitive in certain areas..." Captain's eyes sneakily trail down Shen Wei's back, but he's quickly reminded with a gentle hit to the side that he's ruining a precious moment. "Okay, okay, I get it. But as much as I enjoy inhalling your scent so close to me, we should really get out of the forrest. These beasts weren't the only ones hungry for a magical soul or simply a piece of meat..."

Shen Wei nodded, letting go of the Captain.

After blowing the shell-whistle twice, Rosie landed gracefully on the glade. The Captain helped Shen Wei up, since she wasn't properly saddled, then took her head in his hands, looking at the blood splatters around her beak. "Good, that's not yours. Thanks for clearing up the surroundings while we were busy here, Rosie," he winked at her, then seated himself behind Shen Wei. He sneaked his arms around his waist in a "I need to make sure you don't fall down" gesture, grabbing the feathers on Rosie's neck.

"How will you navigate her with no saddle or reigns?" Shen Wei asked with horror in eyes, holding onto the kind and patient beast like for dear life.

Zhao shrugged. "She's not stupid. She knows the way back to the camp better than me. Hold on tight but don't pull on her feathers, that might hurt her."

Shen Wei calmed down a little bit and did as told.

Rosie waved her wings and jumped up with a full force of her four strong legs, getting above the tree-line fast. For a while, both men stayed silent. Shen Wei was reminiscing over his mistake and Zhao Yunlan was simply tired, almost falling asleep.

"I'm really sorry." Shen Wei's voice brought the Captain back to reality. But as a punishment, he decided to exploit the remorseful wizzard.

"Nnn... it's fine..." he mumbled, not as half asleep as he made himself sound, resting his chin on Shen Wei's shoulder, eyes closed.

"C-captain?" Shen Wei stiffened, unsure of what to think or do but the Captain appeared to be already transferred to the land of dreams, thankfully, without letting go of Rosie's neck feathers, keeping them both safely in place.

A sleepy ride was not the only exploitation the naughty Captain prepared for the young wizzard. After landing back in their camp, he refused to let Shen Wei out of his reach for the rest of the night/morning, demanding to sleep together.

Shen Wei wondered, when does Zhao Yunlan get the energy to tiredlessly argue after tonight's adventure and soon gave up, laying his furrs next to the shameless Captain.

An arm tightly sneaked around Shen Wei's waist just as he lied down, securing him against the heat of the other man's chest.

The young wizzard felt his emotions stirr, his heart beating wildly and the amber core pendant under his tunic burning. But it was a nice, heart-warming, happy heat. Yeah, he must be happy to have been saved. That's it. For sure. Nothing more.

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