4th Tea

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The young assistant teacher and the Captain of the Griffin Riders had camped for the night on a steep cliff, next to a small clear and cold waterfall. The curious magician went all the way to the edge of the rocky terrain to hesitantly peer over.

Zhao Yunlan watched him from afar while preparing their camping equipment. It was a nice change, seeing the pretty scholar all wrapped up in a long shawl because it was colder up in the hills, especially, as the night was approaching.

He smiled, watching Shen Wei jump away from the sudden splash of water that had come his way. Making a circle of stones and piling up some firewood, he searched his bags for his firelock. But before he could find it, he suddenly felt warmness comming from the campfire site. He looked around, watching as Shen Wei started warming up his hands over it.

"Oh, I forgot, you're supposed to be a genius in Elemental Magic," he smirked.

The young wizzard sighed. "Anyone with their core pure enough can do this."

He reached his hand to touch over the Captain's heart to feel the state of his core, but Zhao Yunlan caught his hand, shaking his head. "Trust me, it's not pure," he leaned over to Shen Wei, whispering into is ear. "It's definitely filled with filthy thoughts."

Shen Wei's eyes widened and he quickly drew his hand from the pervert's grasp. "This and that are two different things! Do not mix magic with your eroticism!" He stood up, angrily storming over to Rosie. "Your owner is incorrigible!" He complained to the large beast who had actually started to like Shen Wei quite a lot. Seeing him pout she probably thought him just as cute as Zhao Yunlan did, so she nudged him with her beak, making a guttural sound.

In a second, Shen Wei's moral went up again, seeing the affectionate gesture.

The Captain narrowed his eyes. So this is how you want to play it, hmm? He stared at Rosie who looked back at him with the same challenge in her eyes. The battle for Shen Wei's attention was on!

Of course, the young wizzard had no idea what just happened behind his back.

* * *

A few hours later, the Captain sat sulking on one of the rocks on the hillside, angrily destroying an innocent twig while watching Shen Wei praising Rosie who was now in lead 3:2 as she just managed to catch a huge fish out of the fishless creek. Shen Wei was just preparing it for dinner happily. So cute and he's smiling because of someone else...

Another thing that brought him down was the word "childish" that escaped Shen Wei's beautiful lips while the Captain was pouting at Rosie. Who's childish here? His inner thoughts definitely weren't... agh! He was SO frustrated... sexually, too, by the way...

His sulking was interrupted by Shen Wei bringing over the grilled fish, presenting Zhao Yunlan with his half and some bread. He smiled at his long-haired pretty cook. "Thank you, it looks and smells delicious."

"It's probably all I can do to repay you for flying me," Shen Wei said. "Your unpure ulterior motives aside, this is very helpful to the Wizzard Academy."

Zhao Yunlan laughed. "I'm glad, my pervertedness comes in handy sometimes. By the way, what's that you're making?" He watched Shen Wei pour hot water over a mix of various leaves.

"I call it The Last of Summer. It's all the leftover dried herbs from summer. Some moon strawberry flowers and leaves, lemon balm, blackberry leaves... all the leftovers, really. I can't say the taste is exquisite but it's very calming."

"So Shen Wei's own recipe?" The Captain took a cup of the mildly yellow liquid. First of, there was surprisingly almost no smell to the tea which was a slight bummer. Also the taste was very mild. But it felt calming, healing all the negative thoughts running through his mind. He let out a deep breath.

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