7th Tea part three

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Above picture editted by lovely akai!!! ❤❤❤

And incomming a cute-ish chapter that will not move us much considering the story... or will it?

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"I think the rain will let out by nightfall. We'll fly then, so make sure to get some sleep now," Captain Zhao entered the mine, quickly dropping his wet rain coat on the ground, hurrying to warm up by the fire. He plopped down right next to Shen Wei who concentrated on preparing some kind of hot beverage. "What's that you're making?" He asked curiously, watching Shen Wei's long and slender fingers drop a handful of small, brightly green leaves that he'd notice previously growing on the long stems lining the mine entrance.

"Ginseng tea," he answered. Both Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan were of similar height but with Captain's back hunched and Shen Wei kneeling with his back straightened properly he suddenly looked much taller.

"Ginseng? Isn't that to heighten one's vigour and potency?" The Captain laughed, raising his eyebrows. "What a sneaky move, Shen Wei. You liked the kiss afterall!"

The young wizzard was ready for an immature remark, calmly stating. "That would be the ginseng's root. A common piece of knowledge."

"Wow, Shen Wei, wow! A snarky comeback! My influence is clearly rubbing off on you." Zhao Yunlan nudged him with a shoulder.

A small smile escaped Shen Wei who quickly stirred the floating leaves, bashfully avoiding eye contact, the tips on his elegant pointy ears turning one shade redder.

Zhao Yunlan noticed it, smirking.

After adding some dried fruit into the tea, they both enjoyed the hot drink before getting ready for a nap. Surprisingly, Shen Wei spread his blanket next to Captain's quickly lying down, facing the beffudled man with his back. His face hidden under the blanket that he carefully wrapped around himself like a coccoon.

Zhao Yunlan took a breath in to ask about it but in the end decided not to, smiling and lying next to Shen Wei, throwing his own blanket over them both for more comfort, wrapping one arm around the slender waist of the catterpillar in front of him. Then he pecked the woollen material where he guessed Shen Wei's head was.

"Sweet dreams, Shen Wei," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

Sweet dreams... for Shen Wei that was easier said than done. How was he supposed to fall asleep when all of his back was on fire from the warmth exuded by the man next to him. He could feel Captain Zhao's breath on the crown of his scalp, evenly blowing against his hair. The uncomfortable palpitations of his heart seemed abnormal but feeling his own pulse, it seemed strong and healthy.

There was no mistake. Even while trying to avoid dwelling on this issue and postponing the inevitable, the time has come for Shen Wei to finally confront himself and his feelings towards the flirty Captain.

The whole Capitol had known the charming Captain of the 1st Fleet of the Griffin Riders. The main hotshot of the Sky District and above the One Thousand Steps. It was most likely no wonder, he too had became attracted to the cheerfull, accomplished, capable and reliable officer.

One thing that might seem contradicting to other people would be a wizzard and a soldier getting along. One of the functions of the Military was, afterall, overseeing the magicaly sensitive and it was the Military's call to "cut down any signs of evil right at the root", resulting in any Military member to have the right to execute a wizzard on the spot if there were any signs of them missusing their abilities in evil ways.

The ambiguity of the law itself was a subject of many disputes between the magically sensitive and ordinary people. Even with the Academy and the King actually including wizzards in his court and some of the Military's Special Forces, the wariness of normal people towards the wizzards persisted.

Shen Wei knew that him meeting up with the enemy was being frowned upon by many of his collegues at the Academy but he'd never minded idle gossip. If he did, he would not be able to stay in the Academy for long. Afterall, as one of the youngest students, early on taken from and most likely then also abandoned by his parrents, living off of scholarships and various menial tasks he ran for the Professors, he had noticed gossip about himself before.

His unstable inner core used to be a favourite slander theme as well. He'd never mind it though. Instead he focused on his studies, quickly surpassing his classmates.

Yes, he was a Teaching Assistant for the Elemental Magic Class - the most prestigious class in the Academy. His Elemental Magic skills were at top level as well. However, as one of the very favourite classes, many students were interested in writting their thesis on this subjects and since the slots for the themes were few, the Professor naturally gave these slots to students whose parrents invested great money in their education instead. Which is why Shen Wei's thesis was from a different subject. Not that he minded the subject change, he liked working for Master Aendall as well. It was this feeling like he was not good enough for the Elemental Magic Class that sometimes gnawed at him.

But even while being used to the rumours floating around, Shen Wei had to admit it was a bit scary, yet exciting imagining that right next to him there lies a man who can end his life at any time if he misbehaved. Well, in a sense of becoming an abomination, though..

Funnily enough, with all the stories one hears about the Military at the Academy, he'd never felt uneasy next to Captain Zhao, eventhough sometimes he'd have to wonder... how many wizzards had Captain killed with his own hands...?

* * *

So unlike the Captain who had a beautifully pleasant dream, Shen Wei was too nervous to fall asleep, his heart beating wildly the whole time he felt the other man pressed to his back in a gentle embrace, resulting in having trouble staying awake during the night flight. Even while securely strapped to the saddle as per usual, a sleepy Shen Wei started to dangerously sway from side to side during the flight.

Noticing the trouble behind himself, Captain pulled Shen Wei's arms around his own waist, pulling him in so Shen Wei's asleep face landed on Zhao Yunlan's shoulder. With the now steady position of the two riders, Rosie silently drifted above the dark green tree tops of Silver Mountains' forrests, freshly glistening after the long days of rain.

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An unspecified amout of time in the future...

"It's the New Year again, Yunlan..." Shen Wei walked over to the window upon hearing the start of the midnight fireworks. "They're really loud and beautiful. Can you hear them?"

He straightened the glasses on his nose and ran a hand through his short hair before stretching his arms and rubbing the sore skin under the heavy metalic bracelets, before turning around and walking back to his chair.

The chair was placed right next to a bed where Zhao Yunlan lay, as if sleeping. Unmoving, pale, much more slim then he used to be... only the steady moving of his chest indicating he still belongs to the world of the living.

Shen Wei watched him for a few moments before sighing. "Maybe next year... next year for sure..."

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Waaaah? What's that? Author's being mean again? XD Guys, I just can't not-torture Shen Wei... Damn it! XP

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