8th Tea part two

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Warning: next chapter will be 18+, proceed with caution!

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Blowing his shell whistle, Captain Zhao paced around the courtyard but no answer came. Walking back to Shen Wei he sighed. "I can't get in contact with Rosie. She probably lost us because of this foggy weather. But I'd rather stay and wait for her to find us than continue the travel without her and possibly get even further from each other. She's smart, she'll find her way eventually."

Shen Wei nodded.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Wei, to prolong the trip even more. But it's already afternoon. Let's stay here tonight, at least, we'll get to sleep under a roof for once."

Smiling, Shen Wei uttered: "The mine didn't have enough roof for you?"

"Well, maybe a roof but not a bed?" Zhao Yunlan smirked.

The rest of the afternoon was spent walking around the castle while Shen Wei drew its layout and surrounding landmarks, so he could put the abandoned place back on the maps definitely. Captain Zhao would be getting bored normally but just watching Shen Wei enjoy himself during his research seemed worth it. For example, he would do this little thing while he concentrated on sketching when he would slightly bite his bottom lip or constantly and repeatedly put an unruly strand of hair behind his right ear, clearly unconciously because normally he would just quickly fix it inside his topknot.

Captain Zhao was used to admiring beauties, taking care of them, pleasing them in any way possible but also having them please himself but... he'd never found someone whose every little action would seem so adorable, so precious...

Seeing Shen Wei picking up weed in the corner of the courtyard after getting back from another attempt to call in Rosie, Captain sighed. "Are you going to make tea even from that?"

Shen Wei looked up at him, and waved a few long stems of nettle with sinistrously looking sharp-edged leaves. "Of course, it's healthy."

"What can be healthy about nettle? Look at yourself, you're even wearing gloves to pick it up, that damned plant burns like a fire!" he exclaimed.

"I think you are exagerating," raising his eyebrows, Shen Wei smirked slightly, seeing the famous brave Captain be so childish. "It burns a little, yes, but even the burning can be helpful. It's good for rheumatic joints. Besides, the tea doesn't burn so stop sulking. And I've already used dried nettle leaves to several dishes you've eaten on the way."

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Slurping his hot nettle tea that after much nagging Shen Wei sweetened up by adding a few fresh blackberries, Zhao Yunlan lied on the bed while watching the target of his affection skillfully pull the nettle leaves out of their stems without getting burnt once and place them on the wooden window sill to let them dry.

"You know," the Captain started suddenly. "I didn't lie about breaking it off with everyone."

Shen Wei paused for a split second before continuing, gulping. "I know... I know you didn't lie."

"I was in the wrong before. Can I ask you again?"

"Ask what again...?" Though Shen Wei knew what Captain meant.

"Will you be my one and only, Shen Wei?" Even Zhao Yunlan realized how corny that sounded but the more embarrassed Shen Wei, the cuter.

The wizzard faced the opposite direction, showing Zhao Yunlan his back and the tips of his elvish ears, pointing shyly from the raven waterfalls of his for once undone hair, that turned a shade redder. After a few seconds of silence he finally mumbled: "I... I can try..."

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