9th Tea part four

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My dear weilan fans... I seriously was proud of myself for leaving the last episode on a rather hopeful note and yet I got all the comments about breaking your hearts... Which is why I'm going to present all the sorrowfull songs describing Shen Wei's future situation...

XD JK, or am I...? Well, I rather picked this song because of the picture... But the lyrics surprised me how well they fit. XP (But I have one super heart-breaking still in store, already been saving it for more than a month...)

*sighs* I'm trying to be so nice and only bring in the suffering one drop at a time...But I should hurry up, with this tempo, Zhao Yunlan won't be in a coma until 2020! XP

Okay, you guys know, I'm just being naughty, right? No hate for this! XD <3

* * *

That night, the darkness of the night fell as heavy as a black brocade dress over the whole Westwood area. Somehow, even the castle's lights seemed to have been mostly drowned in it, silence and motionless stale air surrounding our two daring spies that decided
to climb the stone walls.

Once after their safe landing on the wooden runway encircling the main defending walls, they crept sneakily towards the main building.

Shen Wei wasn't exactly fond of this type of investigation but the castle's inhabbitants were untouchable for them and made themselves quite unreachable behind their huge walls. Besides, even if Zhao Yunlan was a Captain of the Griffin Riders' famous fleet, aristocrats were lawfully taboo for him. For anyone. Unless he presented a bulletproof evidence in front of a counsil of other aristocrats or the King himself, only they could have decided the fate of the said noble family member. Not to mention, all they had was a bundle of speculation about an uncertain amount of dead young girls.

Sticking close to the crawling man in front of himself, Shen Wei focused all his mind on hightening his magical senses, listening to every tiny howl of the wind, a squeek of a mouse or a flap of the feathery wings of a night owl. His vision couldn't enhance much more as he had already been using his magic to correct his naturally defective sight.

"I don't hear any guards," he whispered. He could tell, that calmed Yunlan down as his companion's heartbeat slowed its haste down.

"That's a good thing but a bit unusual," Zhao Yunlan turned back to smile at Shen Wei.

Shen Wei nodded. "I will put a ward up when we enter, so we will get a warning if anyone gets into our rear."

"That's a definitely good idea. I'm the only one who should be allowed to get into Shen Wei's rear!" Zhao Yunlan joked, earning a sharp jab from his lover. "Ouch!"

* * *

Be it the fact that it was the middle of the night or the preference of the house-owner, even the main building of the castle seemed deserted and empty... The various salons and bedrooms, though dustless and most likely inhabbited, hosted no one, the doors open into the main hall, showing their creepy loneliness to the two uninvited guests.

Shen Wei had never really visited an inhabbited castle before, so he couldn't tell how exactly this felt weird but he could feel a sort of corrupted aura all around the castle premises a if dark magic had taken place somewhere near. In contrast, Zhao Yunlan couldn't feel any magic, on the other hand, he knew how an inhabbited castle should look like. And there was definitely something wrong going on...

"Yunlan... I think the dark energy is comming from under the castle..." Shen Wei whispered as they silently crept towards the main inner staircase.

"Of course," Zhao Yunlan smirked, "all the fuckers hide their dirty little secrets in the basement..."

Quietly descending into the underground cellars, there was still no one in sight.

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