Chapter 11 - Ready

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Richie woke up alone and for a moment he thought he had been dreaming. But then he noticed that he was in Eddie's bed. A smile crept onto his face as he was reminded of yesterday's events. He was way too in love with.

Slowly but surely he got up to get himself something to drink. As he left the bedroom he heard humming from downstairs. So he went down the stairs smiling to himself and listening to the humming. He followed the sound and found himself in the kitchen where Eddie was listening to some music and cooking. The humming came from him and Richie found himself even more in love.

He went up to the other and hugged him from behind making him jump. Richie chuckled. "What's cooking, good looking?"

"How about you give me a god damn warning next time?!"  Eddie turned around staring at him angrily. "I could have hit you or something! I should've hit you, asshole!"

Richie just grinned and gave him a kiss. "I love you. Don't be mad, honeybunny."

Eddie wanted to be annoyed and tell him to not call him that but he couldn't. He hated it when Richie called him Eds or Pet names but he sort of liked it too.

He felt defeated and kissed him back. "I hate you." He turned back to the stove continuing to make breakfast. "Sit down, I'm nearly done."

Richie just did as he was told and soon after Eddie put some pancakes on the table along with something to drink. He sat down.

"I thought I'd make pancakes since you always loved them when we were kids and yeah." Eddie smiled at the other. He really hope he would like them.

"Aww, Eds. You're so cute." Richie started eating not being able to get over the fact that the other had remembered something like that and that he made them for him.

After they finished breakfast they got ready and left to go to the pharmacy. Richie held the other's hand the whole way there and gave him a kiss on the cheek from time to time.

The two went in and Eddie got his order which was massive. As they left the store Richie stopped him. "Jesus, Eds. For what do you need all that?" He was worried about him. But it wasn't like Myra was worried about him. He was worried about his mental health and not his physical one.

"I need the inhaler for asthma attacks, two of the pills for my allergies. There are also ones for-" He was cut short by Richie kissing him. Richie wanted to say something about how unnecessary all those were but he didn't. They were all hurting and if that stuff even helped him a little he was okay with it.

"Forget that I asked. Come on let's go buy something to wear." Richie just grabbed Eddie's arm and started walking.

After a while they arrived at a little clothing store that focused on evening wear and just as they stepped through the door Richie saw the perfect suit. It was extremely colorful and he knew that Eddie would hate it. So he went over to it.

"Oh God, no Richie."

"Yees." He grinned at him as he found the suit in his size.

Eddie went up to another suit. "What about this one? It's a pretty baby blue I bet it would look great on you." He smiled at him.

"Okay, okay I'll try on both." Richie took both of them into the dressing room and tried on the baby blue suit first. He wanted to try on the best last.

As he stepped outside Eddie blushed. He looked really good in a suit.

"Do I look good?" Richie winked at him and Eddie was in love. He had never seen the other in fancy clothing not even at prom because he wore a dumb tuxedo t-shirt.

Eddie just smiled. "Yes. I knew it would suit you."

"Well, I like it but I still got another one to try on." He grinned and disappeared into the dressing room.

The other was looking around when he saw a gorgeous dark red jacket with pants in the same color and a black turtleneck underneath. Just as he wanted to go and get it Richie came out wearing an array of colors.

"How the fuck do you still look hot?!" Eddie hated the suit but Richie looked really good in it even better than in the other.

"I love you, too, hun." Richie went over to him and gave him a kiss. "I'm definitely taking this suit."

Eddie sighed but couldn't argue with him because again he looked extremely good in it. "Okay, I'll go look around for a while." He walked through the store but his eyes kept drifting to the red suit. So he eventually went over to it and looked if it was in his size and it was.

He didn't really need a new suit he had enough but he liked this one. Suddenly Richie hugged him from behind. "Seeing something you like?" He put his head on the other's shoulder and looked at the suit. "Try it on. I bet it'll suit you."

"Nah, I really don't need a new suit. I have enough." Eddie smiled to himself.

"But you like it?"


"Then I'll buy it for you!" Richie gave him a pack on his cheek. "Come on try it on."

Eddie looked at the other surprised. "I couldn't accept a gift like that from you."

"Oh, you can." The other grabbed the suit and pushed him towards the dressing rooms. "You're going to the charity event with me after all. So I insist. Now hop I want to see how you look in it."

Eddie did as he was told and came out wearing the burgundy red suit with the black turtleneck underneath. It fit like a second skin and Richie thought he looked absolutely gorgeous.

"We're buying it!" He smiled at the other and prompted him to change back into his clothes.

After Richie had bought the two suits they made a quick stop at a convenience store to get his cigarettes. The two then continued to get back to Eddie's place to get ready.

They were ready to go. Richie suggested they take a taxi so they could both drink something and Eddie agreed. So they got into a taxi and got dropped off at a fancy restaurant.

"I prefer Chinese but I think I want to keep my distance from that for a while. So I hope you like Italien food." Richie chuckled a bit though he was telling the truth he would need some time before he could look at a fortune cookie again.

"Italien is great. But this is really fancy and full. How about we go somewhere more secluded?" Eddie kissed him on the cheek. "We'll be under people the whole night. Let's go somewhere more quiet."

Richie like the idea and they went to a cute little diner. The two even shared a milkshake because Richie insisted on it saying it would be cute. Though Eddie drank most of it since the other was to busy staring at him.

As they stepped outside again Richie was still all over him. He was holding his hand and kissed his cheek. "How about we head back home, honey? I don't want to go to the event." He looked down at the floor.

"What?! Why the sudden change of mind?" Eddie was confused.

"I can't go out to the public. I can't go to such a big event and show up like nothing happened." Richie was shaking a bit as he fiddled with his hands. "I am not ready!"

The other just grabbed his hands. "Look at me, please. You can do this. You can do more than you think!" He waited until the other looked at him seeing tears running down his cheeks. "I believe in you and I will stay by your side throughout the whole evening." Quickly he pulled the other into a hug.

"I'm afraid." He sobbed into the other's shoulder. "I'm so terribly afraid."

Eddie stroked his head. "I know but it will be okay and if it gets too much we'll leave. But you got to at least try. You can do this."

They stayed like this for a while until Richie stepped back and gave the other a reassuring smile. "Thank you, I think I'm ready now."

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