Chapter 9 - Dinner

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Eddie was nervous. He hadn't spoken to Richie after their fight. So seeing him the first time at their dinner date made him want to throw up.

He took a deep breath and went inside. Ben and Beverly were already there. "Hey. It's good to see you guys again!" He smiled and went over to them to hug them.

"It really is." Ben smiled at him. The three sat there for a bit until Bill came. Mike came shortly after. They talked sharing what they had been doing these last few weeks until Richie came in.

He smiled at them but avoided looking at Eddie. "How are my favorite people in the world doing?" He sat down on the last free chair.

Everyone greeted him except for Eddie who couldn't bear to look at him. "So, what has everyone been doing?" He looked around and tried to guess starting with Mike. "You read some lame book right?" He continued to Bill. "You wrote some lame book."

When he looked at Ben he grinned. "Bev." And he pointed at Beverly. "Ben."

"Richie!" Beverly laughed at his bad joke until she stopped and stood up together with Ben. "We have good news."

"Are you guys getting married?" Eddie knew that they would someday end up together but didn't expect them to get married this soon.

"I'm still not fully divorced yet. The year isn't over." Beverly shook her head.

Richie stood up out of shock smiling widely at them. "We're getting a baby!" His reaction made everyone laugh.

Bill just looked at the pair. "For real?"

Beverly just nodded.

"Oh my God!" Eddie exclaimed. "This is really exciting."

They all sat down again. The group continued to bicker about the news. Eddie had almost forgotten about his fight with Richie until Bill asked the Trashmouth something.

"So, Rich, still haven't found anyone?" He teased him.

Eddie nearly choked on his drink but played it off. He looked at Richie who he just noticed looked even worse than before they parted. He hadn't noticed it before because Richie seemed so cheerful.

"I did." Richie was mad and he was definitely gonna be passive-aggressive about it. "But they were a dick about it."

He looked at Beverly and Ben and smiled. "It must be nice to not have someone kiss you and then reject you anyway."

"Woah, who did that?" Bill looked at him and felt sorry for him.

But before Richie could answer Eddie spoke up. "Maybe they already had a life that they didn't just want to throw it away for a risk because they didn't know if you could be serious enough about it. Or maybe they just wanted someone normal and safe."

"Maybe they're a coward and don't know what's good for them and maybe they shouldn't be living their life anyway. Maybe they shouldn't be with someone that is abusive." Richie snapped back at him.

"Maybe they were afraid and maybe they don't know what they should do! Maybe they care about you and don't want to just get in a relationship without thinking about it because they don't want it to fail!" Eddie screamed at him until he looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at them. "Excuse me, I need some air." He stood up and hurried out.

Everyone just turned to Richie. "What was that?" Beverly asked what everyone was thinking.

Richie felt guilty he had brought it up just to be an asshole about it. "I'm sorry. I- we got into a big fight and- I'll just go and talk to him." He got up and went after the other.

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