2 a.m.

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The dull whirring of the AC unit in your hotel room was all you could hear, and it was keeping you awake. You should've been asleep hours ago; you'd had interviews all day for your new movie, and it was only going to be more of the same tomorrow. You loved your job, and you loved traveling, but you never loved having to sleep somewhere other than your own bed. The sheets were always kind of scratchy and too heavy and thick, the pillows never felt comfortable enough to just fall straight asleep on, and it was always dark, too dark.

Eyes darting to the small nightstand next to the bed, you blinked a few times before making out the red numbers on the clock 2:13 a.m. Fuck. Laying on your back, you stared up the ceiling, willing yourself to fall asleep, even though you knew it would do no good. Thoughts started swirling around your head, making it that much harder for you to fall asleep. What time had you gotten into bed? How long had you been lying awake for? What if you didn't get any sleep at all before interviews tomorrow?

Suddenly, an idea crossed your mind, and before you could overthink it or talk yourself out of it, you threw back the covers and hopped out of bed to find a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. Leaving your phone to charge, you grabbed your room key card and slipped out of your room, making sure that the door didn't slam shut behind you.

Many of your castmates were sleeping on the same floor as you, so you knew that you'd have your choice of options of who to bother in the middle of the night. However, you really only had one person in mind; Tom's room was just down the hall from yours, and that was straight where you were headed. You'd gotten close to many of your castmates over the course of shooting the movie and the press you'd done, but by far, Tom was the person you'd gotten closest to. Maybe it was because he was the one you did most of your scenes with, but he was genuinely one of the nicest people you'd ever met, and you just clicked instantly. You adored him, quite honestly. He never failed to make you laugh or to put a smile on your face, and he was always there for you whenever you needed it. And you hoped that included two in the morning.

Your feet hit the carpeting softly as you made your way down the hallway to what you knew to be Tom's room. Raising your fist to knock, you hesitated, wondering what Tom might think to see you show up in the middle of the night at his door. You knew he was the kind of person who stayed up late, but you weren't sure that he'd be up now, or that he'd want company. Either way, you were here now, and you weren't going to go back without at least trying, so your knuckles hit the door lightly. Seconds ticked by, and you couldn't hear anything come from behind the heavy door. Even though you knew you should probably just leave, it seemed as though your hand had a mind of its own as you knocked on the door again.

Just before you were about to walk away, you heard the sound of the door unlocking. It opened slowly, revealing a very sleepy Tom. He was lacking a shirt, only wearing a pair of sweatpants which you couldn't help but notice hugged his hips nicely. His hair was an unruly mess, curls sticking up in every direction. Guilt flooded your body as you took in the dark room behind him, the light from the hallway making him squint; he had actually been asleep, and now you'd woken him up. His face softened slightly as he realized it was just you, "Y/N? Is everything okay?"

Crossing your arms over your chest, you hugged yourself as you looked away from Tom, embarrassed that you'd bothered him in the middle of the night, "Yeah, no, I-I'm fine. I just- it's dumb, so never mind. I'm sorry I woke you up, I'll leave-"

Cutting your rambling off, Tom reached out, placing his hand on your arm, "Hey, talk to me. What's up, love?" You looked up to find his face etched with concern, the lines in his forehead appearing as he drew you in closer to him.

You shrugged slightly, "I just couldn't sleep, and I thought maybe you'd be up, but clearly, you weren't, so I'll just leave you alone..."

A small smile formed on Tom's lips as he grabbed your hand in his, sending a spark up your arm - a spark that you tried to ignore every time he touched you or was close to you. He gave your hand a light tug, pulling you closer to the doorframe, "'S okay, darlin. Just stay, yeah? Got plenty'a room." You only nodded, feeling at a loss for words as you let Tom lead you back into his room, shutting the door behind you gently.

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