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Being one of the new cast members in Far From Home, you worried about how you would fit in with the rest of them, who had already done a whole movie together

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Being one of the new cast members in Far From Home, you worried about how you would fit in with the rest of them, who had already done a whole movie together. Luckily for you, everyone in the cast was so nice and welcoming, and you were instantly a part of their little group. You were, of course, close to Zendaya and Laura, but surprisingly, you had grown the closest to Tom. Every free second the both of you had, you spent together, hanging out.

Tom had quickly become your best friend on set. He was always so easy to talk to, and he was possibly the funniest and kindest person you'd ever met. There were times where you'd just take a seat on his lap (sometimes he was on yours) and lean against his chest while hanging out with the group, and other times where you'd just lean against each other, your head resting on his shoulder, with his arms around you.

Far From Home was your first big movie, and you'd never really done a press tour, so you were nervous for it when the time came around. However, after finding out that you'd be paired with Tom for most of the interviews, you began to feel more comfortable with the idea. Tom always made things so easy.

One day, you had been paired to do interviews with Laura and Zendaya for the first half of the day. And while you really did enjoy spending time with them, you were really looking forward to doing interviews for the second half of the day with Tom. After having a quick lunch with everyone, everyone traded partners, and you were paired with Tom.

You were sitting next to Tom, talking about how your day had been so far as you waited for the last interviewer of the day to show up. When the interviewer walked in, he immediately went straight to you, ignoring Tom. The interviewer introduced himself, shaking your hand and giving you a flirtatious smile. To be completely honest, he was kind of cute, and you didn't really mind the attention. He shook Tom's hand next, and you could tell that Tom had tensed up, though you didn't really know why.

The cameras started rolling, and the interviewer introduced the two of you, "I'm here with two of the stars from Spider-Man: Far From home, Tom Holland, and the gorgeous Y/N." You couldn't help but blush at his choice of words, as you gave a shy wave to the camera. The interview began with questions mostly about Tom and the new movie, but the interviewer always seemed to find a way to bring you up, to find a way to compliment you.

"So, Y/N, this is, surprisingly, your first big movie. How did it feel to be working on this movie?"

"Oh, it was great! It was a great first experience, I couldn't ask for better castmates. Especially Tom, here. He's a real gem." You looked over at Tom and gave him a smile, which he quickly returned.

Tom looked like he was about to say something, but the interviewer spoke up again, interrupting him, "Well, Y/N, you seem like you're the gem, here. You're quite, beautiful, you know that?"

His words made you flustered, and you stumbled over your words, "Oh, I, uh, um, thank you..."

At that moment, Tom spoke up, and he sounded annoyed and he crossed his arms over his chest, "She's much more than just her looks, mate."

"Oh, well of cour-"

Tom cut him off, shaking his head as he continued to talk, "Y/N's very talented, we're lucky to have her in this movie. I've gotten to know her, and she's one of the best people I've ever met. I know she's going to do great things. But you, on the other hand, mate, should probably learn how to be a bit more professional. Just because she's a beautiful girl doesn't mean that that's all she is."

Your eyes widened, and you could feel your face getting hot as you looked over at Tom, whose face softened when you made eye contact as he gave you another smile. While you appreciated his kind words, you didn't know what had gotten into him. The interview didn't last much longer after Tom's rant, and the interviewer left quickly without a word.

Once the two of you were alone, you looked over at Tom with a confused expression on your face, "What was that about, Tom?"

You could tell he was chewing on the inside of his cheek as his gaze met yours, "I'm sorry, I ruined the interview. But he shouldn't talk to you like that. You're really talented, Y/N. You're much more than your looks." Tom paused, his hand rubbing over the back of his neck before continuing again, "You are beautiful, though."

"Tom, I..." you stopped, at a loss for words.

"I meant every word that I said. And I... I like you, Y/N."

You could feel your heart beating faster in your chest, as you looked at Tom. To be completely honest, you did have a little thing for Tom, but you never really acknowledged it (not until this moment, anyway), because you didn't think that Toms would ever feel the same way about you. Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, your gaze met Tom's, "I like you, too. I just didn't think you would ever feel the same way..."

Tom couldn't help the laugh that escaped from him, "You're joking, right? God, you're so talented and funny and kind and beautiful, Y/N." You gave him a shy smile, averting your gaze from his again for a moment. When you looked back at him, his hand was held out towards yours, "Do you want to get dinner with me?"

When the two of you walked back out to where everybody else was, hand in hand, there was a loud cheer of excitement from all of your cast mates. Your eyes flicked to Tom and you moved in closer to him, trying to hide from your friends in embarrassment.

"Finally!" Jacob shouted, giving Tom a fist bump.

"Wait, you guys all knew that we liked each other?" you asked, your eyebrows furrowing.

Zendaya laughed and nodded, "It was pretty obvious, dummy. To everyone except you two, I guess. You two are oblivious."

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