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Sighing, you pulled your blanket further up, trying to ignore the pain in your abdomen. Obviously, periods were never fun, but you always got severe cramps, and almost nothing helped soothe the pain. Tom had gotten fairly used to this by now, but he never liked to see you in pain. He hated that there was nothing he could really do to help because he would take the pain away in an instant if he could. If Tom was home, he would do whatever he could to help you feel even a little bit better; he'd run you a bath if you needed, give you massages, and go to the store to get you the things you wanted.

Tom was off at meeting by the time you woke up, and you instantly felt a surge of annoyance. You knew he couldn't help it, but the cramps were already intense even though it was the first day of your period and you'd just woken up. All you wanted was for him to be cuddling you. Tears pricked your eyes out of frustration as you forced yourself out of bed just to go to the bathroom and make a cup of tea. However, as you got made yourself at home on the couch and turned on the TV, your phone lit up with a text from Tom.

From: tommy 💓

heading home now. i can stop if you need anything? xx

Even though only minutes ago you were (unfairly) frustrated with your boyfriend for not being there, you just about burst into tears at this one text. Tom always seemed to have a sixth sense about when something was off with you - whether you were sick or on your period, or just having a bad day - and always texted or called right when you needed him if he wasn't home. Maybe it was the irritability and mood swings before your period that tipped him off, but either way, you were so grateful for him. Hunkering down underneath a mountain of blankets, you typed out your reply to your boyfriend.

To: tommy 💓

Yes please.... the usual stuff???

You knew that he would know what that meant. He'd grown accustomed to this, and you knew he'd pick you up your favorite candy, as well as some pads. He also usually brought home whatever else he thought you might like or want. Tom replied saying that he'd be home in half an hour tops, so you curled up on the couch and tried to ignore the pain.

Tessa had followed you around the kitchen (probably in search of food) but noticed as you curled up on the couch and made her way over. She jumped up, situating herself at the end of the couch near your feet. Resting her head against your legs, she snuggled in closer to you. It seemed as though she had that same extra sense as her dad, and was always at your side in a flash when you weren't feeling so great. You leaned down to give her some love before turning your attention back to the TV.

Flicking through all of the choices, you started to get frustrated. What was there to watch when it seemed like you'd already seen everything? You gritted your teeth and tried to stop the tears that were welling up in your eyes. This was dumb; Netflix was not something to cry over, but you genuinely couldn't help it. Throwing your arm over your eyes as you cried, you turned over on your stomach in an attempt to stretch out and get rid of the awful cramps.

That was how Tom found you when he walked in the front door; sobbing on the couch with Tessa at your feet. His lips tugged into a frown as he toed his shoes off and made his way to you. Crouching in front of the couch, he brushed some hair out of your face, his voice soft, "Oh, baby. Rough morning?" Face pressed into the couch cushion, you nodded. He smoothed your hair back before moving his hand to rub comforting circles against your back. "Wanna talk about it?"

Shrugging your shoulders, you turned your head so only one of your cheeks was pressed into the pillow, looking up at Tom. He immediately reached up, brushing his thumb out across your cheek to get rid of the tears that were trailing down your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, letting out a ragged breath.

"I-i'm just... I woke up with the worst stomach and back cramps, and I was annoyed that you weren't here which I know isn't fair but I just wanted you with me and then there was nothing to watch and everything just sucks, Tom. I hate this."

You were crying again, squeezing your eyes shut as the tears dripped down your cheeks. Tom couldn't help but smile a little at your ramblings - not at your pain... he hated that. Wiping away a few more tears, he brushed his hand through your hair softly, smoothing it away from your face. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he murmured quietly, "I know, baby. I didn't want to leave this morning, either. Kinda figured it'd be one of your miserable days. But I'm here now, and I got some stuff for you at the store."

Sniffling, you nodded and pulled yourself into a sitting position as Tom got out the bag filled with the things he'd gotten at the store. He'd gotten the essentials - pads and candies - but he'd also gotten you some of your other favorite food, a pair of really fluffy socks, and flowers. "Tom!" you gasped, eyes watering again as you threw your arms around his neck, "Thank you so much."

"Of course, love," he whispered, cupping your chin gently and leaning in to peck your lips lightly. "Right then, have you taken anything? Or eaten today?"

Knowing you'd been caught, your eyes darted away from Tom's. He knew that when you weren't feeling your best, you sometimes neglected taking care of yourself, even if it was simple things like eating or taking medicine. "No," you muttered, trying to turn your head to hide your face in the pillows again.

"Love! You have to do that or you're not going to feel any better." Tom shook his head with a small laugh, "I'll be right back."

He came back only minutes later with something for you to eat with water, as well as some medicine to help relieve the cramps a bit. You could feel your heart swelling; you didn't deserve all of the things he did for you. He was constantly there to take care of you, and you felt guilty that he was constantly doing things for you. Downing the pills and water, you pulled the blanket back up as you snuggled into Tom's side after he sat down next to you.

You ate your bowl of cereal and banana as he picked something for the two of you to watch, his free arm hooked around you. Without asking him to, he began to rub your side and back gently to help with the cramps. His lips pressed to your forehead as his hand moved absentmindedly.

Leaning forward, you placed the bowl on the coffee table and then cuddled back into him. He patted his lap and you shifted again so you could lay your head against his lap. One hand moved to your hair, sifting through the strands gently, the other hand rubbing massaging your stomach. Again, you couldn't help but feel as though you didn't deserve all of this.

"Tom?" you whispered, tugging on your bottom lip with your teeth. His gaze broke away from the TV and he glanced down at you, nodding for you to continue. "I know- I mean, I know I'm in pain and stuff, but you really don't have to be doing all of this for me."

"I want to," he replied simply, corners of his lips tugging up into a soft smile.

Your eyebrows furrowed together as you reached for his hand, sliding your fingers between his, "Why?"

His shoulders lifted into a shrug, cheeks flaring up with a light pink as you rubbed your thumb across his knuckles, "Well, just for, ya know... like just whenever you're actually sick. Or, like, if we have a baby someday. I want to be prepared to help you however I can, ya know? And also, I just really love you so much and I hate seeing you in pain. I'd do whatever I could to make you feel even the tiniest bit better."

Tears pricked your eyes again and you grinned up at him, "You always make me feel better, Tom. I love you so much."

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