why won't you love me - 2

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"Y/N? What- what are you doing here?" Tom's voice shook a little as he spoke, his jaw practically on the floor

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"Y/N? What- what are you doing here?" Tom's voice shook a little as he spoke, his jaw practically on the floor.

You shook your head, ignoring his question, and asking one of your own, "Can I come in?"

Tom froze for a moment before nodding, stepping back and opening the door wider so you could come in. You stepped into the trailer, glancing around, as Tom rushed around to pick stuff up. "Sorry. Sorry for the mess. I wasn't expecting anyone, I-" he was rambling on and on as he made his way around. He was cleaning as though you weren't someone he'd known for years. As if you weren't a person who had seen him at his worst before. Your heart twisted inside of your chest at that thought, and you were beginning to wonder if coming to see Tom was the best idea.

After he'd cleaned up a bit, Tom motioned for you to take a seat and you sat down on the couch, pulling your legs up beneath you. Tom ran a hand through his hair as he looked at you, "Do you, uh, do you need anything?"

Shaking your head again, you tucked your hair behind your ear, "No, um, I'm good. But you can finish getting ready if you need to..." Glancing down, Tom realized the state he was in - wearing only boxers, hair a mess - and he quickly slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, combing his fingers through his hair.

Once finished, Tom sat down in a chair at the table in the trailer, moving a pen that was sitting on the table back and forth between his fingers. A heavy, awkward silence filled the air as the two of you avoided looking at each other. You kept your gaze down, focusing on your hands, which were resting in your lap. The words that had gone unsaid before Tom left were filling the air, still unspoken; you could feel them weighing down on you.

You knew you had to say something, you just didn't know what or how. Just as you were about to open your mouth, Tom spoke, still looking at his hands, "Y/N, what are you doing here?" The tone of his voice wasn't exactly welcoming, and while he didn't sound too angry yet, you knew well enough that it wouldn't be long until he was. You could tell that his demeanor changed from the time you'd arrived, just from the tone of his voice.

You'd wanted your voice to sound confident, but it was small and quiet instead, "I just... I didn't like the way we left things when you had to go."

Tom's head snapped up, and you knew that you'd made the wrong choice of words. "The way we left things, Y/N? I tried to make things right, but you wouldn't have it. I felt like absolute shit when I left."

"I know, Tom, I'm sorry," you started, still fiddling with your fingers. "If it makes you feel better, I felt like shit, too.

He shook his head slowly, letting out a loud sigh, "No, you don't get it. I knew I was taking a chance telling you that I love you. I just didn't think that you'd be so cold about it. It was as if you wanted nothing to do with me."

"Tom, you know that's not true..."

"And then for you to actually admit that you feel the same way, and then still turn me down just cause it 'wasn't the right time'? I don't get it, Y/N. There's never going to be a good time. But if you want it to happen, you have to make it happen, which I tried to do."

As Tom kept talking, you realized that he was right. There was never going to be a good time. There was always going to be something that would make you question it. But you wanted it; you wanted to be with him. Tom was standing now as he rambled on, pacing back and forth across the trailer, and you were beginning to think he'd wear a hole right through the floor. You stood up suddenly, standing in Tom's path, reaching out and putting your hands on his shoulders.

He hadn't noticed that you'd gotten up and stopped abruptly, his eyes widening as you put your hands on his shoulders. He'd stopped talking, his mouth open as his eyes dropped to yours. It was quiet as the two of you looked at each other, not saying anything. Your chest heaved as you sucked in a deep breath, your tongue brushing over your bottom lip. Tom's hands slowly moved to rest against your hips, as your fingers curled into his shirt at the shoulders. You hesitated, even though everything inside of you was screaming to do it.

In one swift movement, you pulled Tom in closer with a tug at his shirt, causing your chest to press to his as you leaned up, kissing him quickly before you changed your mind. You could feel Tom tense in confusion underneath you before melting into your touch as his lips began moving with yours. Your hands slid up to the nape of his neck, playing with a few hairs that curled there, his arms tightening around your waist as he pulled you in as close as he possibly could. Your lips parted in a small gasp as his fingers pressed into your skin, and Tom took advantage, his tongue darting out against yours. His hands were everywhere, while your fingers tugged at his curls, causing him to groan into your mouth.

The kiss was everything you'd imagined - everything you'd hoped for. Gentle and hesitant at first, and then passionate and needy. Everything the two of you had been holding back for years was all coming out now in the kiss. The two of you stumbled toward the bed on the other side of his trailer, not wanting to break apart from the kissing. You were never like this; you didn't know what had gotten into you.

Gently pushing you down into the bed, Tom got on after you, hovering over your body as your hands ran down his chest. You shifted underneath Tom's figure, pulling his body down closer to yours. Fully out of breath, you pulled your lips from Tom's, your head leaning back onto the pillow. Finally parted from each other (though your face was still only inches from Tom's and you could feel his breath against your lips), you slowly regained your sense.

Your hand moved to Tom's face, cupping his cheek in the palm of your hand. You stared up at Tom, chewing on the inside of your cheek. This was not how you expected things to go, but you weren't going to complain. With Tom's pretty brown eyes staring down into yours, you couldn't help but to let out a soft breath accompanied with an, "I love you, Tom." There was a pause and then you added, "Like, love you, love you."

You watched as Tom's face instantly lit up, a stark contrast from what it had been when you'd arrived. A smile had placed itself on his lips, and you knew it wasn't going to be leaving any time soon. Your thumb brushed up and down over his cheek before you lifted your hand, brushing some of the dark curls that had fallen into his face out of the way.

He leaned down into your touch, resting his forehead against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed and you couldn't help but smile as he mumbled softly, "I love you, Y/N."

"I want to be yours, Tom."

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