fire alarms

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You finally got home around midnight after working a late shift at the diner

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You finally got home around midnight after working a late shift at the diner. All you wanted to do was go straight to sleep, but you didn't like getting into bed without showering first. So, quite reluctantly, you took a shower and got ready for bed. Finally, almost an hour later, you were comfy in bed. You had your favorite pajamas on, and the covers pulled all the way up. It only took a matter of moments before you'd passed out, sleeping peacefully.

Unluckily for you, this was the night the fire alarms went off. And only about half an hour after you'd finally, finally, fallen asleep. This had happened before, so you knew it was most likely a false alarm; someone had probably accidentally burned their midnight snack, or something stupid like that. Without much haste, you got out of bed, grabbing a blanket and your phone as you slipped on your shoes and headed outside.

You lived on one of the bottom floors of your building, so managed to get outside pretty quickly. It seemed as though many people didn't think it through like you had. There were a ton of people in their pajamas without shoes huddling together. It was summer, but that didn't mean it was a very warm night. Most people had found friends and neighbors and started chatting with them. You, on the other hand, didn't know too many people; you were always busy with work or friends, and when you weren't, you were inside, probably watching The Office on Netflix for the millionth time.

After a few minutes of standing by yourself with your blanket wrapped around your shoulders, you noticed one of your neighbors from down the hall standing not too far from you. He was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, and his hair was messy, falling down into his face. You didn't know him super well, but he always smiled at you or said hi when you passed each other in the hallway, so you went over to stand next to him.

The closer you got, you could tell that he was cold. His arms were crossed over his chest and his jaw was clenched. "Hey- Tom, right?" You had planned to sound confident, but your voice came out small.

His demeanor changed when he realized that you were standing next to him. He relaxed a little and gave you a smile, nodding his head. "Yeah. Hey, Y/N." You were a little surprised that he remembered your name, and you didn't say anything for a moment, but then he spoke up. "This sucks. Thought I'd be getting a full night of sleep for once, and then this."

You laughed a little and nodded your head as you turned to look at him, "I got home from work at like midnight and I'd just gotten fallen asleep when they started going off." You rolled your eyes but gave him a smile, which was quickly returned. Tom had a great smile. A great everything, actually. He wasn't wearing a shirt, so you could see his toned abdomen, and with the way his arms were crossed over his chest, his biceps looked huge. You'd always thought Tom was attractive, and he seemed nice, but you didn't know each other, and you didn't think he'd go for someone like you anyway.

Tom's voice snapped you out of it. "Oh man. That sucks. At least you were prepared," he said with a chuckle, gesturing to your blanket, "I didn't think it through, and now I'm freezing."

Lifting your chin slightly to get a better look at him, you found a surge of confidence, "You can use it if you want. I'm okay." You started to pull the blanket off, but Tom stopped you.

He was shaking his head quickly, moving to wrap the blanket back around your shoulders. "Oh, no, no. I can't do that. Thanks for the offer though, Y/N."

You let out a quiet huff, and held one side of the blanket out to him again, "Okay, well at least share it with me, then. I don't want you to freeze."

Tom's eyes cut sideways to look at you as he hesitated, trying to decide if he'd take you up on your offer. A moment later, he was standing with his shoulder against yours, pulling the blanket around his other shoulder. Luckily, it was a big blanket, and it fit around both of your shoulders.

Even though Tom was cold, you could feel the heat that was radiating off of his body, so you shuffled a little bit closer to him. He let out a quiet laugh, tilting his head so he could get a better look at you. "So where do you work?"

"Oh, I work at a diner about ten minutes from here."

His eyes lit up as he gave you a huge smile, "Tommy's? I love that place! How come I've never seen you there?"

You laughed with a nod, "Yeah! I'm not sure, I'm always working."

Tom nodded in agreement, "I feel that. I'm literally always busy. That's why I was looking forward to a full night of sleep."

Your eyebrows furrowed together and you scrunched your nose up, "What do you do?"

Even though it was dark out, you could see the way Tom's cheeks flushed slightly, and he gave you a shy smile, "I, um, I'm an actor."

This time, your eyebrows shot up, "Really? That's so cool! Are you working on something now?"

Tom nodded slowly, turning his body so that you were chest to chest, the big blanket wrapped around both your shoulders. "Yeah, actually."

Biting the inside of your cheek, you shifted your gaze to keep it on him as he moved. "What is it? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, I'm not supposed to tell anyone, really, but I'm going to be playing Spider-Man."

Your jaw dropped to the floor as you gasped, your eyes going wide, "No way! I love Spider-Man, he's always been my favorite superhero. Congratulations, Tom."

A huge grin broke out on Tom's face, "Thanks, Y/N/N. I'm really excited."

Silence - a comfortable one - filled the air between the two of you as you looked at each other. Another moment passed, and suddenly, a yawn escaped from you. You lifted your hand to rub your eyes as you mumbled sleepily, "Ah sorry. 'M just so tired.

Tom's head shook as his hands landed on your waist and he pulled you in a little closer. "No worries, love, I get it. Just lean against me. I've got ya."

Butterflies filled your stomach when Tom called you love. First a nickname, and now this? There's no way the beautiful boy from down the hall was interested in you, right? Regardless, you hesitated but nodded and then rested against Tom's shoulder. His skin was soft and warm, and he smelled nice. Tom's hands moved slowly, hesitantly, before sliding around your waist and pulling you in even closer. You let your eyes close a moment later, then slid your arms around his torso to get closer to him. Tom chuckled, and you could feel it through his chest.

Just as you'd started to drift off to sleep, an all clear was called, jolting you awake. Tom realized that you'd started to fall asleep, and he laughed at you as the two of you made your way back inside. When you made it to your floor, he continued walking with you, past his door.

"Tom, what're you doing?" your voice was still sleepy as you looked up at him in confusion.

He just gave a small laugh, coming to a stop in front of your door. "Just making sure you get home safely."

His words made you smile as you slipped out from underneath the blanket to unlock your door. As soon as the door was open, you thanked Tom a few times before heading inside to get some sleep.

The next morning when you woke up, you realized that Tom still had your blanket. Opening the door to your apartment to go get it, you found Tom standing there, his hand raised to knock the door. Your blanket was thrown over his shoulder, and he had two coffees and a bag from a nearby bakery.

Tom gave you a huge grin, holding the food in his hands up, "Breakfast for two... as a thank you for last night."

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