do me a favor

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It was a pretty typical night in your house

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It was a pretty typical night in your house. Harrison was over, as he was many other nights, and the three of you were sat in the living room, watching TV. This happened at least twice a week, but you didn't really mind. Harrison was always fun to hang out with, and you enjoyed any time you had with Tom.

Recently though, it seemed like Harrison had been over way more than he normally would be - meaning that you and Tom didn't get the alone time that you normally would've had. Because of this, Tom was getting frustrated, and he didn't try to hide it from you. In fact, that day before Harrison came over, he tried to convince you to let him get in the shower with you. You knew that this wasn't him being cute; he didn't want to wash your hair and give you soft kisses like he sometimes did. He wanted a quickie.

Honestly, you found it kind of funny how worked up Tom was getting over the fact that the two of you hadn't had sex in like a week. When he was away, filming or doing press tours, it was hard, but the two of you managed. However, if the two of you were together, there were times where he couldn't wait more than a few days without getting frustrated.

So, in short, you had denied his request to join you in the shower. You knew that probably frustrated him more, maybe even pissed him off a little, but you didn't care. You figured you'd probably end up paying for it later, but you were okay with that.

Per usual, you and Tom were cuddled up on one of the couches in the living room, Harrison sitting on another one across the room. One of Tom's arms was around you, and your head laying on his shoulder. You got cold easily, so were snuggled up as close to him as you could get, with had a big blanket stretching across both of your bodies.

Tom liked to watch things with all of the lights out, so the only light in the room was the soft glow that was emitting from the TV. Tom's hand came up to the back of your head, his fingers lightly brushing through your hair continuously.

Smiling at his actions, you leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. Instead, Tom turned his head and caught your lips with his. You leaned up towards Tom, your hand coming to rest on his neck, your fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. You figured that the kiss would be sweet and short, but Tom had a different idea. His hand was on your hip as he pulled you closer to him so you were almost straddling his lap. Tom was kissing you harder now, deepening the kiss, not being able to get enough of you.

Harrison cleared his throat just as you and Tom were really getting into it. You jumped slightly, having forgotten that Harrison had been sitting there the whole time. You groaned in embarrassment, pushing your face into Tom's shirt. Tom only laughed, and you could feel his laugh vibrating through his chest.

Finally gathering yourself, you lifted your head away from Tom's chest and leaned up to give him the kiss on the cheek like you had originally meant to. You turned your gaze back to the TV and shifted a few times to get comfortable, finally settling with one knee bent up, the other nudging against Tom's leg.

You leaned forward with your eyes on the TV, resting against your propped up leg. Tom shifted too, but not too much; his hand only went to your knee that was next to his leg. At first, you didn't think much of it. The two of you always liked to be as close to each other as possible.

You didn't think much of it until Tom's thumb was rubbing slow circles on your skin, ever so slowly making its way up your thigh. You shot Tom a look, one that you hoped told him to knock it off, but Tom's eyes never left the screen. There was, however, a devious smile on his face. He knew what he was doing, and so did you.

In an attempt to stop him, you reached underneath the blanket, grabbing his hand in yours tightly. You didn't want to do this now, not with Harrison in the room. Tom's only response was to pinch the inside of your thigh lightly, causing you to gasp quietly and move your hand away from his. Your eyes narrowed as you looked at him again, but he didn't react, other than the growing smirk on his lips. After a moment of contemplation, and a quick glance at Harrison, you decided you'd let Tom continue, and see how far he'd go. Harrison seemed to be distracted by the TV, and it was pretty dark in the room.

His hand continued up your thigh, finally stopping at the top of your thigh, his fingertips digging into your inner thigh slightly for a second. He traced small shapes into the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, and you were beginning to get worked up. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the feeling, and bit down hard onto your bottom lip. Tom took this moment to glance over at you, he loved the effect he had on you.

His fingers were getting closer to where you wanted them - they brushed against the hem of your shorts, almost dipping under, and you sucked in a quick breath - when Harrison decided to speak up. "Yeah, do me a favor, and put your hands on the blanket, mate. Thanks."

You jumped again when Harrison spoke, quickly pushing Tom's hands away from your legs. Your cheeks instantly flushed a bright red and you could feel the heat on your cheeks as you glanced up to Tom, whose cheeks had also a light tint of pink to them. Looking back over to Harrison, you could see that he hadn't even taken his eyes off of the TV, but he was definitely pleased with himself, if the smirk on his face was saying anything.

Tom's hands came out from under the blanket, and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling your body into his chest. You tilted your head up and pressed a sweet kiss to his jaw. Tom tensed a little and it was silent for a few moments.

Then, suddenly, Tom spoke up, a grin on his face as he looked down to you, "Haz, man, would you mind doing me a favor by getting the hell out of here so I can have sex with my girlfriend?"

You gasped out loudly, blushing harder than you had any other time before, and slapped Tom's chest lightly. "Thomas!" Harrison didn't say anything as he got up, and gave Tom a fist bump on his way out.

As soon as the door closed behind his best friend, Tom had flipped the two of you over, your back pressed into the couch cushions. "Thomas!" you exclaimed again, this time with a giggle as you shook your head up at him, your hands resting at the back of his neck.

Tom gave you the widest grin as he leaned down. "Well, it worked, did it not?" he whispered against your lips, not wasting a moment as he kissed you hard.  

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