we're a team - dad!tom

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Tom took as much time off as he could when your daughter, Parker Rose, was born

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Tom took as much time off as he could when your daughter, Parker Rose, was born. That, however, didn't last as long as he would've liked, and had to leave only about a month after she was born. He would be gone for about two months for filming, and while you were well aware of what his job entailed, you desperately wished he didn't have to go. While you'd never been happier to have your perfect baby girl and your perfect little family, it was hard adjusting to life with a little one around. And then, Tom left for work, leaving you to take care of your baby on your own. It wasn't as if you were alone, you had plenty of family members and friends willing to help out, but it wasn't the same with your husband gone.

Parker was a good baby. But that didn't mean that she didn't have days where she cried all day, and refused to sleep all night. And in those moments, all you could think about was how much easier it might be if Tom was home with you. It would be so much easier to have someone to switch night shifts with, to have someone to hold her just so you could go to the bathroom. Of course Tom was doing what he could while he was away; facetiming you almost every night, sending his parents over to help you out for the day, anything he could think of that might be of some use to you. You greatly appreciated all of that, but it still didn't compare to him being home with you.

As the days passed, growing closer to the day Tom was coming home, you could feel the anticipation building. You missed him, of course, but god you needed the support. Needed him to be there with you; to raise your daughter together.

The day before Tom was due to return home was a particularly hard one. It was one of the days that Parker refused to eat, to sleep, to stop crying. Parker refused to sleep unless she was being held in your arms, with you sat on the couch. It was one of the days that left you crying on the couch in the middle of the night with your hair and clothes an absolute disaster. The only thing that was keeping your last bit of sanity intact was that Tom would be home the next day. He'd finally be home to help you out, to alleviate some of the stress. Needless to say, it was a long night for you.

The next day - the day Tom was to come home - was a bit better. She was still being fussy and picky, but she finally went down for an afternoon nap, which you were extremely grateful for. After cleaning up a bit, you collapsed onto the couch, ready for a nap yourself, when you heard the sound of Tom's footsteps enter the house. It took a moment, but you got up from the couch and made your way to your husband, who was dropping his bags on the ground.

Tom's eyes lit up at the sight of you, a huge smile tugging at his lips, causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle. Your lips copied his as they pulled up into a smile, and you threw your arms around his neck. The second your arms were around his neck, he had wrapped you up in his arms and pulled you in tightly. You buried your face into his shoulder, sighing to yourself as you tried to hold back some tears. Your husband's hand rubbed up and down your back slowly in an attempt to comfort you.

The two of you stayed like that for a couple of minutes before you pulled back, a few tears of relief slipping down your cheeks. Tom was quick to notice, and he quickly lifted his hands to cup your cheeks gently, his thumbs brushing the tears away carefully. "Hey, hey," he murmured, his lips pressed against your forehead, "what's wrong, my love? Are you okay?"

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