Part.5 Don't Leave me

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I looked up to see Shadow groaning in his sleep.

"P-please...ngh...."Shadow mumbled.

"W-what?Shadow?Are you awake?"I asked.

"Amy....Rose...Please..D-don't!"Shadow began squirming and shifting in his sleep on the couch.Quietly yelling things.

"Ok,It's time to call Rouge.."

Third person POV:

Amy ran in the kitchen and grabbed her phone.She then began to call Rouge.

As the phone was ringing she heard a loud thump and some yelling?

Amy ran in in the living room to see Shadow on the floor moving and kicking all around on the floor.

"What the hell!?Oh come on Rouge pick up the damn phone!!"Amy panicked to herself.

"AHHH!NO!!PLEASE!!!"Shadow was screaming like a psycho.

He was moving and kicking all over the place Amy thought he was having a seizure,so she turned him on his side,but he smacked her hand away from him and rolled back over on his back and continued screaming and rolling himself back and forth on the floor.

Finally Rouge picked up the phone and Amy has never been so relieved.

"Amy?Oh my gosh,Are you ok?I didn't expect you to call,I was actually going to come over today to make sure you were-"Amy cur her off,

"Rouge!You need to come get Shadow!He's acting crazy!!"Amy yelled in the phone.

"What!?What's happening!?"Rouge asked.

"Last night Shadow came over to my house drunk and passed out!I let him stay the night here but now he's rolling around on the floor screaming things like a maniac in his sleep!You have to come and get him!"Amy exclaimed.

"Amy..I...Can't."Rouge sighed.

"What!?What do you mean you can't!?He's your boyfriend!"Amy asked angrily.

"No he's not!I broke up with him last night!I want nothing to do with him Amy!"Rouge yelled back.

"Wait!No!You can't just leave him here with me!"Amy screamed.

"I'm sorry Amy,but it's not my problem."Rouge then hung up on Amy.

Amy was furious.

She honestly didn't care if Shadow and Rouge were dating at the moment or not,She needed someone to help her with him.And the fact Rouge left her hanging made her very mad.

"AHHHHHH!!ROSE!!!NO!!"Shadow yelled again.

Amy panicked and didn't know what to do.

The only thing that came to her mind was to calm Shadow.Everytime Amy was scared,when eggman would kidnap her,Sonic would calm her by hugging her afterwards and tell her things like,

"It's going to be alright,calm down.."

Amy got on her knees and sat next to Shadow.He was still screaming and rolling around,but Amy picked up his head and put it in her lap as she wrapped her right arm around his torso and used the other to rest on his head.

She held him tightly.

"Shadow!Please calm down!I don't know what the hell is wrong with you,but please stop this!"Amy said  calmly.

Once she said that he stopped rolling around and began to sit still,but twitched a little.


Amy listened...

"Please don't leave me.."

He mumbled.

Suddenly Amy felt..Something.


She smiled slightly and began stroking the top of his head.

"It's ok Shadow.."

"I'm here."

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