Chapter 23-k_thax

Depuis le début

She started to cough up blood, but I wasn't finished yet. There was a gun on the small table beside us. I picked it up and felt all the power in my hands. This one little bullet can change everything.

Jade: Now I should kill you while I have the chance. I struggled with pulling the trigger, because if it weren't for my mom, I wouldn't be here now. I sighed and decided against pulling the trigger. My mother was still mumbling beneath her breath.

Amy: You're weak. You should've pulled the trigger, and let me haunt you for the rest of your life.

Jade: I just saved your sorry ass.

I still continued to kick her, but I felt someone screaming and pulling me back.

Kay's P.O.V.

I watched everything that hapened between Amy and my mother. I looked at how angry my mother was, and how she almost killed her mother. I think they both had enough.

Kay: Dad, we have to leave!

Connor: What? Why?

Kay: We have to leave now!

I grabbed my mom, but she kept trying to beat Amy.

Kay: Mom! Let's go now!

We got toward the door but my mom slowly walked back to Amy, who was bleeding and on her side. My mom bent down to her level and said words that I would never forget.

Jade: You were the worst mother in the world! Now, you're just dead to me! I hope you rot in hell!

She turned around to be face to face with a man that looked just like...her father.

Jason (Jade's dad): Jade...

My mom pushed past him and walked iut of the door, taking the car keys, and rushing to the car. The silence was once again, deafening.

Jade: That was a mistake, we shouldn't have gone back there.

Connor: Why? Didn't you finally make peace with your mother?

Jade: If made peace means 'almost kill her' then no.

Connor: What do you mean? Did you hit her?

Jade: Yeah, she hit me first.

Connor: That doesn't change anything. You still hit her, and you know you shouldn't have.

My mom pushed the breaks to a screeching stop. She turned to my father with tears in her eyes.

Jade: She used to beat me! Every day, before she "went to work" or be a prostitute, she would get drunk and beat me senseless! I didn't know why she did it, and why she could hate an innocent 8 year old, but she did! She wanted me dead because I ruined her life! She tried to kill me many times, and all you care about is me finally getting my revenge?! You're sick!

She got out of the car, opened the back door, with Ray getting out, and her sitting next to me. Ray got into the passenger seat, and my dad got into the drivers seat. We continued to drive back home in silence.

Once we arrived, my mother got out of the car with fresh tears on her face, and stormed into the house.

Ray/Kay: Wow...

Connor: I have no idea how to fix this.

Ray and I shrugged. We got out, and walked up the stairs to my mom's room. We stood at the door way, watching her pack multiple suit cases.

Ray: Mom, please don't go.

Mom: No. I just have to leave.

Kay: Mom...please...?

Mom: ...I'm sorry, It's just time for me to go.

Kay/Ray: Stop! *grabs both arms to stop her* just one more night! Please?!

Mom: *sighs* Ok, just one more night, and I'm leaving tomorrow morning.

Ray and I walked to his room and sat on his bed. We both looked around and his room was a mess. He hasnt lived here in a while, so it shouldn't even be this dirty.

Kay: You need to clean your room.

Ray: I'll give you 20 bucks if you do it for me

I straightfaced him.

Ray: 50?

I straightfaced him again.

Ray: Fine, 100 bucks to clean my room. Deal?

I took the money out of his wallet and ran around the house with it. He chased after me, up to the third floor.

Kay: Sucker! I would've done it for ten!

I kept running and waving the hundred dollar bill in the air, untill a rug came out of nowhere, and I tripped over it. I fell flat on my butt, and Ray kept running and laughing. He snatched the bill and tried to walk away like a boss, but I tripped him in the process. He fell on his face next to me and we burst with laughter. I was laughing so hard, I had to pee. Ray tickled me, and it only made it worse.

After we calmed down, I still giggled and turned to him.

Kay: I think I peed my pants.

Ray: Gross!

We both got up and went to our rooms. I went to clean myself up of course, and Ray juat did his thing. I came out of my room an hour later, and walked into Ray's room, who surprisingly was cleaning.

Ray: He made me clean it. This is alot of work.

Kay: Have you seen my-

My mom walked into the room, obviously crying, and sat on the bed with the two of us.

Mom: Tomorrow...I uh...I'm going to look for my father...

Ray: Well, that's great mom! At least you could finally move on, and not live with that question anymore.

Kay: Yeah...

Mom: The only problem is...that I can't go alone...Can you guys please come too?


What will Ray and Kay say? Lol that rhymed. But what's gonna happen next? Nia is gonna explain next chapter, then all the juicy stuff is gonna start pouring down. *Ok, I'm well aware that that sounded so wrong! Lmao* lol but anyway, whats going on with Roc and Nia? Will they have a hapily ever after, or nahh? Find out next chapter in
The Conjunction house

The Conjuction House (mindless behavior)(book 2 of drama)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant