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Characters:Steph (Cera) - The main character. She goes by Cera in the beginning of this book because of a previous life, but her real name is Steph. She has a medium build, typically light frame because she always finds ways to go hungry. A total bad-ass when fit and fed and given a sword. Direct descendant (child of God), werewolf, and shape-shifter, though her shape-shifting abilities are very sensitive to her health (she can only transition when in perfect health).

Wolf - A foe turned friend from a couple books back. Was once a mad scientist, then found a cure for broken angels. Steph and Wolf are "together" and have had a couple kids together quite a few years ago. Wolf is partially colorblind and is a werewolf along with being the most powerful non-direct descendant there is. His father is a demon, his mother is a werewolf who gave birth to him while in wolf form - hence the partial colorblind.

God (Father) - Called Father by everyone in heaven but is actually Steph's father. Cares for Steph but struggles to show it. Ruler of heaven. He created heaven and he was created by the human's imagination. His power changes constantly to be the most powerful, since that is what the humans imagine him as. 

Rose (mother) - Steph's mom. A nurse in heaven. Nurses in heaven pretty much only set broken bones and extract foreign objects since angels heal very quickly and don't get sick.

Charlie (The Old Man in the cabin) - Steph calls him "the old man" for quite a while, then finally calls him Charlie. He was a human geneticist on earth before he retired on earth, then had to return to his old career to try and fix some broken DNA up in heaven.

Satan (Lord) - God's brother. Ruler of hell. Not evil, but starts a war with God because he thought God would try and destroy Steph. This is not the first war fought over Steph.

Story overview notes:

The major theme of the story is the prophecies. In each book a new prophecy is given by the Greeks. 

Everybody has a fatal flaw. These are things such as disabilities, addiction problems, personality problems, emotional problems, etc. They help define each angel/demon. 

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