43. Guys and Dolls

Start from the beginning

- I can go with you if you don't want to be alone.

A light smile showed with the suggestion.

- Thanks, but you don't need to.

- Are you sure? I don't mind.

- Yeah, don't worry. I'll just eat something and go to sleep.

- If you are su-

Collin frowned at the sudden interruption, checking the screen. A low-battery sign flashed at him and then the screen went black, but that split second when he had gotten a glimpse at the date was enough to send a shock up his body. His eyes opened, sitting in an abrupt movement. It was Monday, April 8th. Not the 7th as he thought. The 8th. The day he was due to send Adam the update on his internship report.

In a surge of panic, he jumped up, only to stand frozen in the middle of the room. Adam had already granted him two deadlines extensions. He was so dead.

Shaking himself awake, he looked around the room with the little amount of light there was, approaching the desk his desk to open his laptop. The light from the screen was more than welcome, but any sprouting optimism vanished when he spotted the 'no internet' sign. Right. No light.

I'm dead. I'm so dead.

He and Adam had been doing so well lately. Adam hadn't even been scolding him when he did something wrong, just explaining how it's done and letting him try again, but one thing Collin knew his supervisor hated with a passion was lateness. Collin couldn't even call to explain himself.

His hands ran through his hair, as he glared at the ceiling, trying to intimidate the electricity to return. When that didn't work, he was left passing around the room.

A far off thunder rumbled outside. His steps faltered until finally halting mid-stride and he turned to the window, staring down the rough weather outside. After a few seconds, he turned on his wheels, back to his desk. In no time his report was in a pen, wallet in his pocket, jacket over his clothes and an umbrella in his hand.

Running down the stairs proved harder without his phone, but he reached the door without incident. It was past the door that the real challenge laid. Even with the umbrella, the violent rain still found its way to him so when he was finally able to flag down a taxi, his jeans and the uncovered bottom part of his jumper were soaked. Inside the car, Collin tried his best not to wet the seats with the umbrella as he gave the driver his aunt's salon's address. The rain ended up extending the drive for an additional twelve minutes, and Collin was sure of it as he spent the whole ride leaning to the middle seat to peek at the car's clock.

When the taxi parked in front of the salon, Collin paid and opened the door, being met by the pouring rain and unruly wind that had decided to pick up.

- I wouldn't bother with the umbrella, hon. - she said as Collin grimaced at the weather. - I hope you're a fast runner.

He wasn't. In a matter of meters, he was drenched, his hair sticking to his forehead dripping onto his eyes as he tried his best to take refuge under any balcony as he ran. Reaching the entrance of Adam's building he didn't even take time to wring out some of the water from his clothes, pressing a random apartment number. At the first try, no one answered, so he skipped to the next one, this time being met with a female hoarse voice.

- Who's this?

- Hi, my friend lives here but I don't know the door number. Could you help me? His name is Adam Chidley.

- How do I know you're really his friend?

- Hm... What?

- I can't just give the young man's apartment number to everyone. - the rough voice continued. - If you really are his friend just call him.

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