Six Pillars Of Time

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In the Fortress of Soham a beast resides,In the guise of a saint, the monster hides

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In the Fortress of Soham a beast resides,
In the guise of a saint, the monster hides.
His hyde of scales into supple flesh turned,
His breath of hell fire, no longer burns.

The saw-tooth scales and wings of blades,
Along the beasts monstrous body cascades.
With the death of six, the truth shall emerge,
And this unholy land of lies shall be purged.

Layers of mist on the ground sprawl,
Concealing the rotting bones of ones past.
With a blade in her neck the first crawled,
In the spell of despair that I have cast.

The fingers of death silently wrapped,
Her neck which like a twig snapped.
A plunge in his heart and a pool of blood,
The fourth pillar fell with a muffled thud.

The fifth corner dies, in the icy cold womb,
The tentacles of green shall be her tomb.
The final pillar, shall remain a mystery,
How the sixth corner falls, and who shall it be?

In the circle of time, six corners are burned,
Wherefore six meals of anguish, I will feast.
The flickering flames now midnight turned,
And I will expose the six horns of the beast.

The flickering flames now midnight turned,And I will expose the six horns of the beast

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