City Of You

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Strange how a person can be an entire city

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Strange how a person can be an entire city.

When you were there, the flowers bloomed in brighter colours, the trees bore more fruits and grass was greener on my side.

When you were there, the streets were bustling with happy people and the air was fragrant with your breath. The whole city came to life with your presence.

When you were there, entire civilizations flourished in my heart. Tall buildings touched the clouds and scraped my messages in them. Gardens seemed like paradise and temples seemed to have your idols in them.

When you were there every grain and every morsel of food was more filling when you fed me with your own hands, and when I fed you, I was being nourished, then you wonder why I eat so little. Sugarcane sweeter when you were there with me and water quenched a thirst that I didn't know I had.

Now that you have left, the fields are barren, buildings have crumbled, roads are empty, gardens are dead, air is filled with smoke, the food tastes bland, people have cold and lifeless eyes, and I feel just as empty as the city.

It is strange how a person can make an entire city.

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