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Vincenzo POV

I sat in the house and listened to everything that had happen in the garage and in my car . I had cameras everywhere .I knew everything .

It hurt me to know that Jasmine feels this way about never being able to talk to us , but I also understand that she needs a friend .

Macy is also in need of a friend . I'm happy that they found each other to confide in . It's been an hour since they have been gone . I got a message from Marcel - one of my guards that Jass and Macy are back. I went to the lounge and sat with all the boys . They were drinking wine.

"What the fuck are you bitches drinking . " I ask horrified. They never drink any of the wines that I have .

"Shut up ... We lost a bet with Cami and Jess . And now we have to drink wine with them ." Gabe gestured to the two females .

"Whatever . I made no such deal. I grabbed a beer from the fridge so I'm going to drink my beer . " I say and sit down . The front door burst open and Jass and Macy walked in laughing no , not laughing cackling like annoying hyenas . Everyone in that lounge gasped at seeing Macy . She looked exactly like her mom .

She was gorgeous.

"Mom,-" Jessica said . I don't think she realised what she was saying because Macy looked directly at her . "Marcella you look just like mom ." Jessica said to Macy . Tears filling her eyes .

"Thanks ." Is all Macy said .

The two girls sat down . "So Gabe . Was your money worth spending on our hair ." She asked and Gabe chuckled .

"Damn straight , you girls look hot ." He said . The two girls started laughing and Jasmine took out a 200 $ bill and handed it to Macy

"The fuck just happen . Did you two bet on me ." Gabe asked horrified.

"Yeah . I thought you would say you wasted your money and Marcella here said that you would compliment us ." Jass stated and Matt burst out laughing .

"Alright we have something to discuss. " I said in a rough tone so they would know it's serious . They all looked at me in silence.

"Alright we are cutting our trip in New York short . We are going back to Italy ."  I said and they were all screaming in cheers .I held my Stoney gaze on Marcella and Jessica . Jessica was looking at Macy with sad eyes .

"That's great ." Lucas said . "Are you okay Macy ."  He asked his smile slightly dropping

"Yeah I'm fine . My parents were requested to be buried in Italy so I haven't seen my parents grave in 13 years so , I'm happy to go but it brings back some depressing memories ." She laughed nervously.

Marcella POV

I laughed nervously. We sat in silence for about 15 minutes and then I spoke. "Uhm , when are we leaving .?" I question . I wanted to pack my stuff away .

"We leave in the next hour." Vincenzo spoke and I was shocked . One hour to pack all my belongings . Not that I had much but it won't be enough.

"I won't be able to pack my belongings ." I said and he started to laugh . His eyes closed and his mouth parted and loud rumbles of laughter spewed . He opened his eyes still chuckling . Then he stops and speaks

"Holy shit , you are serious." He said and I nodded. " Oh . Well no . We don't take anything . We already have clothes in Italy and before you ask yes there has been a room and closet allocated for you . All you have to do is gather up the most important things . Like your frames and other stuff you find important." He said and I nodded.

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