With that, Dex stepped around him and walked towards their green room. Blake didn't feel like dealing with the fall out of the interview at all so he changed course, heading toward the front door of the studio. At least three people called after him but he couldn't bring himself to give a shit. His driver was already parked at the front.

Was he really this predictable?

For the moment, he let his annoyance drop as he slid into the backseat of the car, wanting desperately to flip off the swarm of paparazzi that had surrounded him as he fled the building but fighting off the urge.

He could do this, he could be a better person.

As the car pulled away his thoughts were drawn to Blair and what Dex has said. Was his new found annoyance with his reputation due to her appearance into his world like Dex had suggested? He'd barely spent any time with her but he felt drawn to her, a willingness to open up like he hadn't felt towards another person ever. Even his ex-girlfriend Ashley.

The thought both terrified and excited him and before he could stop himself he was sending his driver to Tidal.

Band practice wasn't until four and that gave Blake a little time to work through this thing with Blair. He wasn't sure what to call it. The girl was gorgeous, anyone with eyes could see that, but Blake didn't find himself wanting to drag her to the nearest available room like he often did with hot girls.

He stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk, his mind elsewhere as he raced in to the recording studio, hoping it wouldn't be hard to find her room for the day. He walked down the hallway and stopped when he heard her warm and unique tone pouring from the door on his right.

He lingered in the doorway longer than was necessary trying to build up the courage to open the door. His opportunity was lost when it opened from within and the blonde who had too often consumed his thoughts the past few days walked directly into him.

He reached out and braced them both, she chuckled as she looked up at him.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there. I don't know how though." She laughed again, gesturing to his height.

His hand came up to rub the back of his neck as he pondered what he could say.

"Were you coming to look for me, or?" She trailed off, her question hanging in the air.

"I—we have band practice in like an hour and I just wanted to come check on you. After last night, and this morning. I didn't mean to be so rude before you left."

She brushed off his comment with a shrug of her shoulders.

"No big deal, thanks for looking out for me. I'm kind of embarrassed by the whole thing." She said casting her eyes downwards.

"No, worries. But don't be embarrassed, you didn't ask some prick to drug your drink. It's not your fault."

"I'll try to keep that in mind during this absolute reaming I'm about to get from Damon."

"As someone who's been on the receiving end of many of Damon's lectures, just nod and look like you care about what he's saying."

"I'll keep that in mind!" She said with a smile, brushing past him and heading towards the elevators that would get her to Damon's office. "Thanks again for last night!" She said over her shoulder offering him another smile and a small wave.

He stared at the spot she had been standing in long after she had vanished from his view, wondering if he had even a chance in hell at stopping what he could already feel in motion. Blair Andrews just might be the girl to finally pull him out of the darkness.

"So, today has been a fucking nightmare. Everyone say 'Thank you, Blake!'" Damon said, his voice full of intense sarcasm.

"We need something positive to help alleviate the firestorm that interview and the press from last night has caused. So," he clapped. "We will be hosting a live video today on social media where Paper Parachute will announce the US tour that kicks off in January."

"Did we find an opener yet? Wasn't the band we liked booked?"

"Well that's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about today. How would you all feel about taking Blair out with you?"

Everyone turned to face Blake.

"I don't care who we take, I don't know why you're all looking at me." He said, unscrewing the cap from a water bottle and downing it quickly.

"Well," Rian started, a shit-eating grin smugly planted on his face. " In the past two days I have watched you follow her around like a lost puppy at a party and then storm off an interview when they brought her up. I mean, basically, when is the wedding and am I your best man?"

Blake took the opportunity to hurl his water bottle at his best friend.

"Are the rest of you okay with her?" Damon asked.

"Fine with me. I think we all are interested to see what happens with Blake's little girlfriend on tour with us." Kace smirked. Blake had already thrown his water bottle so he reached over and slapped Kace across the top of his head.

AN: Thoughts?

Next time: Blair finds out about the tour! How will she react?

How do you think she's feeling after the whole party thing and now that Blake's defended her on tv? Do you think she's seen the video?

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